Sunday, June 05, 2011

Projects We Are Working On This Week

Worked out here this morning.
This morning my husband and I spent outside working on our projects. He is rebuilding our stairs from the cellar to the pantry. So he was tearing the old ones out to put the new ones in. He is also changing the direction of the stairs so it will be easier for me.

The old cellar stairs are history now.
I did some laundry outside and then worked on getting some of the raised beds planted. I also started some seeds in containers. Every year I have some on the walls of the various raised beds. This year you can not have too much food growing. We will be canning most of our harvest for the winter.

Raised beds made of rock.
So I worked as much as my knees could take and then the mosquitoes started coming around. So I figured it was time to go in. Tomorrow I will get some more seeds in. Putting in a little more each day. I mix together radish seeds, a couple varieties with carrot seeds and plant them any place I can stick them in. By planting them together you can always tell where the carrot is going to come up by the radishes which come in usually very quickly.

 Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole


Ladybug said...

Hi Katlupes's
I;m a new follower of your Blog !!
What awesome Blog.. It's very
cheerful, plain, simple, and
a great font, easy to read..
Enjoyed the garden raised beds and
how you have done them,We build
garden raised beds for the first
time this season,being were we
live (southwest) our garden is
all fence in with shade screen roof
to keep all those nasty critters
out.. Thanks for sharing
Have enjoyable day...

Lori said...

Wow, sounds like you have both been busy little bees. Us too. We have been working SO hard and SO long on getting our inside and outstide ready for Sean's graduation party. When we were all done it felt like there was still so much more to do, but that's always how it is. I've got so much reading to do on your blog to catch up. Hope your knees are feeling better today, for me it's been my back. Always something, huh?! :)

Annie said...

Your days sound very full for both of you, and lots of things are getting done! Isn't it great?

Tho, it's tiring, I will be so glad when the garden is all planted!

Mary Bennett said...

No garden for me, but I do have a bunch of pots on our front stoop.