My book, My Homesteading Journey has caused some bad feelings in my family. Not exactly, my family.....but my ex-husband wanted my son to bring his copy over so he could read it. Course, he was too cheap to buy a copy! To tell the truth, I did not want to write anything about my previous life anyway. Many of my homesteading friends wanted me to tell that part as it would help someone who was living that "cushy" life who wanted to be set free. So I did. To me, it was an unimportant area of my life. A sad time in my life as my ex-husband was very controlling and not the nicest person. Oh yeah, maybe to the world but not to his own family.
My book covers my complete solar system, All my components. How it is set up. How we have lived for over 8 years with no electric bill. How to watch the meter to be careful of the loads you put on the small system we have. Another area of my book was cooking on wood cook stove. How to buy a used one and what to check on it before purchasing one. How to start the fire in it, how to keep it going, how to cook on one, how to clean it. Nothing that would have been of interest to my ex-husband and his wife who live a life that is the exact opposite of me!
Like cooking on a wood heating stove. How I heat my water on it for washing dishes or taking baths. Or how to cut the firewood we need to keep our stoves running through out the year. I also gave tips on how to cut down on your electric bill. But I don't think they would have paid much attention to that either. They are not the frugal couple! So if I decide to write a story of my life, he will be in big trouble as then I will really tell all those gory details! For now, my life is about homesteading, being self-sufficient & growing my own food. I made no mistakes in those areas of my book.
As an update to this post: My ex-husband died in 2010 under arrest by federal agents for using a Ponti scheme to steal his clients' (and friends) money and pensions that he invested for them. Investments they had with him for years. He took it all to enable a life that was all for show. To keep his wife in the style she wanted for show too. I am not sure of all the details, but the FBI did come to my home and question me for hours. The only good thing to come out of his life and my marriage to him, was that he adopted my son so when he died, my son being a disable adult child was entitled to his Social Security benefit which is a good income for my son.
Updated 2019
Copyright © 2007 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2007 Kathleen G. Lupole