Monday, December 20, 2021

Wishing All My Viewers A Very Merry Christmas 2021


Merry Christmas to all my viewers! I don't know how each of you feel about Christmas this year, but I feel like I usually do. Just pleased I have lived through another year. Christmas is the holiday I have a love hate relationship with. Some years I have just been glad to make it through it. Not so much due to my health, but just the season itself. Last year of course, everybody felt that way. This year it is different. We still have some of the same issues but people have become unreasonable and judgmental toward others. Blaming them for things that cannot be controlled no matter what each of us do. Being directed by politicians and the news media to do so. Yet they cannot see past their own fear and mistaken beliefs. 

It reminds me of my late mother-in-law. She would say things against other religions outside of her own. My husband would say that they think the same way about her and her religion. She would end the conversation by saying, "But they are wrong." Talking to a brick wall is not worth the time because nobody will change their minds no matter what is presented. Especially when the news they watch every day tells them exactly what to believe and to say and who to blame it on. So I do not discuss what I think or do in such situations. 

I have been fighting the propaganda train for many years now. No matter what the masses do, I question everything. Then research. Research. Research. And more research. I find my answers and do not believe every study or so called "professional's" opinion. You cannot even believe what is taught in schools or universities. Now I realize you could not believe that years ago either. At that time in my life I did not know that. Always question why, what or who is pushing whatever it is in your own research. Do not take anyone's word for it. Find the answers yourself. Even if you have to go back very far. You will find that many beliefs were pushed on the people in the past and then years later it comes to light that it was all wrong. Or wrongly presented to the public citing studies and scientific facts that were paid for by profits. Not true facts. The public who believes everything the government or other profit backed industries tells them is the ones who are damaged by it.

My Christmas present to you is to start the new year by taking charge of your own health. Research the immune system. Not by using allopathic sources. I have found in recent years that anything using the term "science based" is not a reliable source. At least for me, it is not. Everyone must make their own choices of what they will accept and what they won't. I just know over the years, I have seen what has happened to others and whether it helped them or not. If you do not accept what others want you to accept, then it is best to distance yourself from them. Some people will not do that if a close family member is making you do what they want you to do. No matter how you feel about it! I will write more about taking charge of your own health and life in a future post. 

In the meantime, try to do the following to get a jump on the coming year: 

1. Avoid stress and don't put yourself in stressful situations if you can. 

2. Cut disease causing foods out of your daily diet.

3. Take some time out of each day to mediate or by reading inspirational books or your Bible.

4. Set aside some time in your day to drink a cup of herbal tea and listen to soothing music. Just relax, but do not fall asleep. Let that time become a routine to de-stress your body every day.

5. If possible take a walk outside. Getting outside every day is essential to your immune system. Even if it is not a sunny day. There is something about that fresh air that is good for your soul, as well as your body. Breathe deep. Concentrate on your breathing while outside.   

I wish all my viewers a Merry Christmas and hope it is a good one for you. If you are alone that day, create your own day by preparing a pleasant meal for yourself. Put on some Christmas music or music of your choice. Don't spend your day by thinking of past Christmases if that causes you to be depressed. It is just a day like any other day. Don't let it create a situation for making yourself miserable. Remember Christmas is now a representative of shopping profits for big industries and credit card companies. Not what it meant when getting a couple of presents made by your parents or grandparents under a simply decorated tree was  more than enough. Those were happier days we just didn't realize it at the time. I think it all started with those Christmas season shopping inserts they put in the newspapers around Thanksgiving right up to Christmas day.


Copyright © 2021 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2021  Kathleen G. Lupole

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

One Simple Change Can Change Your Whole Life

Life is strange. One minute you are living your life a certain way, then before you know it everything is different. It has changed for one reason or another. One change can cause the rest of your life to become unsettled. For instance, if you suddenly experience a serious illness, the loss of someone whether by death, divorce or separation or loss of employment, then your life is changed. There are times when you are forced to be the one to make the change. Even if you don't want to or are scared to do so. You just need to take that first step. Stepping out of your comfort zone is never easy.

At my age now, I see many changes over the years that took place in my own life. They were never simple or easy. Many I had no control over. Some changes I made happen myself. Not always because I wanted to, but because I had no choice. It was either live or die. At one time I was married to a bad alcoholic. We could have had a good life but I could not deal with the constant drinking. I am not exaggerating one bit. I barely drank. Well to be honest, I did not drink at all. When I started dating him I tried to. I could not tolerate alcohol for some reason (at the time I did not know I had multiple chemical sensitivity). Leaving him was a no brainer. Had to leave and never regretted it.

As you age though, it doesn't look good on you to be a heavy drinker, cigarette smoker or drug user. It affects your health and also your looks. Maybe others making remarks because you don't do what they do makes you feel like you have to do it even if you don't want to. Don't! Letting others influence you to go against your own beliefs is always wrong. I have never been a follower. Yes, I did things that were "in" at the time or that others did.....but NEVER because of their influence. I did those things of my own free will.

Keto Salad

Maybe friends of mine think because I try to follow the low carb/ketogenic diet that I am being a follower. No, that is not why I follow this particular way of eating. It is because of the way it makes me feel. Every time I eat processed high carb foods or sugar I pay for it with my health. The funny thing is the very people who put down the keto food plan are the people who should be on it themselves. They need to look in the mirror and look at their own health records and count how many pharmaceutical drugs they are on. That is their choice and I don't try to change it.

Changes in your life no matter how small will affect your life on down the road. Looking out for yourself is not selfish. In fact, it is the right thing to do. How can you help your loved ones if you are suffering from addictions? Poor health? Or undesirable domestic situations? You can't. Now look on down the road, 20, 40 or even 50 years into your future. Whatever you do today at a young age will most definitely affect you in the future.  

Now at my age it is too late to worry about what I did or did not do when I was younger. I have to work with where I am at right now. No matter what I will not lose my hope or positive mental attitude. I will always be in control of my life and if something or someone threatens that I will find another way. Patience is key. Time seems to do more than heal all wounds. It helps me get a better perspective on my problem or life. 

Copyright © 2021 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2021  Kathleen G. Lupole