My son Jeffrey going to get the mail.
I have had so many things going on lately that I had trouble getting back here. I am currently working on an article for this blog that was requested by one of my readers and friends. I will be writing about living without running
when you have been used to having it all your life. It is almost done and then I will post it for your information. If you have any concerns you think I can write about for you please contact me and I will be more than happy to share my knowledge or if it is not something I have experience with I will research it for you.
I am in the process of working on getting things finished up in the house looking forward to starting my
soon. Looking forward to
fresh air
and sunshine! I have been cooped up in here most of the winter due to my knees being really bad. They seem to be getting much worse and some days I can barely walk. I think the warmer weather makes a big difference.
We have received quite a bit of snow and our yard is full of snow drifts and piles. Luckily my son, Jeffrey is living with us again and he has been a big help.
Shoveling snow
is a very hard job and my husband usually does it all. He laughs at me if I offer to help since I can hardly walk. As I said in the last post, I am in the process of automating our
But I am also trying to make our jobs easier. I know many people contact me and they love the fact that we live
.....but it has not been easy. Maybe if we had started it earlier in life.
Carrying water
in is not that hard if you are in good health and have no problems. My husband has a crushed right elbow and his shoulders and knee all give him trouble. As you age those things are bound to happen. I, of course, have
knee problems
and that is about it for me for now. So then carrying the water in is not so much fun then. Our goal is to get the water brought in the house this summer.
is no big deal. But I am not presently using a
. That is something I really miss. I want the
units. They will make life a little bit easier for us.....especially for me. I think if I was younger it'd be easier. The smart thing is to get these things put in your house before you get older so it never is that hard to live. You can still be self-sufficient and provide your own electric but have enough
wind power
to run your refrigeration units.
When you
plan your garden
this year, it is well and good to put in new
that you have never had or didn't eat much and want to try.....but don't devote much space to them until you are sure your family and you want to eat them. I like to keep one small bed for new plants to test and then if we like them next year we will invest more space on them. I plan to add a
flower bed
and borders this year in my front yard if my knees will cooperate. I shall see on that.
Have a nice March day....
is on the way!