Living in downtown apartments are not always quiet |
I hate the sound of loud noises. Wondering if it has anything to do with my age. I will be 72 in a few months though I don't believe I have any hearing issues. My apartment is very quiet and I appreciate the silence. Music I do not consider noise. I listen to music daily but not loud blaring music. Sometimes I think people like to play it loud so everyone can hear it. Even the people who do not like it. In fact, I find I appreciate it more at the level I listen to. I always pause it when someone comes to my door or calls me on the phone. I don't want to miss my songs!
Intercom in my apartment |
In my apartment building we have an intercom system. The doors at the entrance opening into the lobby are locked at all times. To enter there is an intercom on the wall and you have to buzz the apartment you are visiting. It will buzz in that apartment and the resident will push a button to ask who it is. Then they push a button to listen to your answer. Once they are satisfied that it is someone they are expecting or know, they push the button to unlock the door and you can enter the building. It is a very good system and I like it. But......when the intercom buzzes in the apartment..........it is VERY loud! Rabbit and I jump every time. Even when I know someone is coming here.
Across the street from my apartment |
Quietness was one of the things I treasured when living at Peaceful Forest, my former home. Especially in winter. It was very quiet all year long. That is unless a chainsaw was buzzing a tree down or the generator was running when there was not much sun. I remember listening to my horses chewing their hay and that was the only sound I could hear. Or the chickadees and blue jays during the winter which were welcome sounds to me. You quickly acclimate to your environment and grow accustom to the sounds of daily life. Even though I badly missed the sounds of the birds in the forest I had to move on. To my new life and sounds. The only birds I hear now in a downtown location are crows. Every now and then other birds will show up but they do not sound as happy as the birds in the forest.
Downtown |
City life is full of noises. Trucks backing up to loading docks in early morning hours. Garbage trucks pulling up to the dumpster at my building. I get up early so it doesn't really bother me so much. Sirens at any time of the day or night. Fire trucks, emergency vehicles and police. Bars. The back of the bars on South Broad Street, the main street of my city, face my apartment building. So when they have loud music playing, especially live bands or musicians I can hear it in my apartment. I don't mind that either because it is usually good music. My building also has a theater in it and many times I can feel the beat of the music since it is right here. That doesn't bother me one bit because I love having a theater in the same building I live in. It is not a movie theater. It is a theater for live shows and concerts among other forms of entertainment.
Looking out the door of my apartment |
I got used to it. Even though I do prefer quiet, there are times when the sounds of others reassures me that I am not alone. At times I will walk out of my apartment and go to different floors and not see one other person. Then on other days I hear people talking in the hall outside my door as they wait for the elevator. Doors slamming, people laughing, a dog barking, a mobility scooter horn beeping, etc. I go downstairs to get my mail and a group of people are sitting in the lobby talking and laughing. It is nice to have friends in person which I didn't before moving here. I feel I am living alone but am not alone. Anytime I need time with friends I have many to choose from.

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole