Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Wordless Wednesday At Peaceful Forest Homestead!

The road in front of our horses' paddock!

Elderberry blossoms -  flu medicine!

Our forest path

I found Patches napping!

Stone Piles are through-out NY state forest.

Tomato plant with dew on it's leaves, good thing with no rain!

Squash is thriving!

Tiger Lilies, edible landscape!


The Redhead Riter said...

Tell me about:
Elderberry blossoms - flu medicine!

I've never heard of that.

Eileen said...

You have some gorgeous photos. Who can blame Patches for the nap, it looks so inviting there.

Eileen said...

A link to some info on the stone piles.

katlupe said...

Red, I don't know what I would do without my elder. She is a big part of my defense against those colds and the flu in the cold weather. Our state forest is full of them this year. Here is a link to check out:

You can google it too!

katlupe said...

Thank you Eileen for that link. I spent some time there. It's so funny around here they had scientist looking at these piles of stone. Nobody could figure out what they were. I love them. I have two on my property.

pwax said...

Cherish those stone piles.

katlupe said...

I do cherish them very much, Pwax. We have two of them, and I will not let anyone mess with them.