Tuesday, October 01, 2024

A Lifetime of Living

kat in 1976 at 24 years of age

There comes a time in your life as you grow older when you realize life does not last forever. In the past, like when you are thirty, you think retirement is a long time off. When you reach that age though and are not going to a job every day, at first it is a transition period. Can be fun because now you have time to do whatever it is you choose to do. After being retired for a period of ten years or more though, you start feeling like maybe your life is going to be ending soon. Maybe you won't live to see certain things or how things turn out. It is a scary thought but is also true. I have always been a positive person. Thinking that way has always helped me to get through the bad times of my life. And there has been many. 

Senior housing

Now I am finding that not dwelling on how many years I have left is what I have to do. You cannot spend time thinking about dying or your own death. It will come soon enough without spoiling those years before. In fact, I believe you can hasten your death by thinking about it all the time. Every ache and pain does not mean I have something terrible and am going to die. For me running to a doctor all the time would make me feel that way. Doctors have a way of worrying you before they even know you have something to worry about. Instead I tell myself I am fine and get on with what I have to do today.



This week I am having blood work done at my doctor's office. Not looking forward to that. I know it will mean that the doctor will be warning me about something. Worrying me about something in those blood test result numbers. I am only doing this so I can make plans to have my dental issues taken care of. Want to make sure I am okay to do that. Maybe I will be able to have the doctor give me an order to go back to my Lymphedema therapist. You can't do that without the order from the doctor. I really need to go back. Most doctors do not know much about that condition but my therapist is very knowledgeable about it. So I feel confident going to her when I have the need. 

Using a walker

My life has not been easy but easier than some. I had no real health issues until the year I turned fifty. That year is also the year I lost my mother. I was noticing pain in my knees then and it increased over time. Nothing worked for it. No supplements and I tried them all. I did not go to a doctor because I had no insurance. I do not blindly trust anyone just because they are certified or registered in some profession. Lives end and one day mine will also. I am not going to think about it now. I have no plans to have any surgery on my knees or to start taking prescription drugs. When I have the dental work done I will be taking prescriptions for that. Antibiotics and pain medication but for a short time. I will only take the pain medication when I really need it. After my mouth has healed I will not need them any longer. Looking forward to getting all that taken care of in the near future. 

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole

Sunday, September 29, 2024

My Coffee Corner

My Coffee Corner

Yesterday I was tempted to make a coffee bar in my small apartment. I looked at ideas on Pinterest on how to make one. They had a lot of cute ideas and tips. Amazon even had items I could purchase and use to make it even more unique. I really believe the ultimate goal of each and every website, such as Pinterest among others, is to trigger you to spend money. Even if you can't afford it and end up using a credit card. Suddenly I had a moment of brain power! Why would I need a coffee bar? Who do I drink coffee with? In fact, I already have a corner of my kitchen devoted to my two coffee makers and the electric teapot. So I set out with the idea of making that corner more attractive. And efficient. Yes, efficiency is what was needed. 

I actually have two coffeemakers. The big one can make a pot of coffee or just one cup. It does not use pods though. Must have ground coffee for that one. The other one uses pods or ground coffee but for single cups only. I have been using that one lately. It is a cheaper model pod coffee maker. Feels cheap but it works good so far. I bought it because I wasn't sure I was going to like using the pods. Well, I love them! Now my coffee always comes out perfect. Every cup is freshly brewed and hot! 

Tin for storing coffee pods!

I used to use tins for storage before I moved here. After moving into this apartment I started using the tins for other  purposes. This one particular tin I had stored my packages of electrolytes in. Until yesterday. I changed it to store my coffee pods in. Now instead of having to reach up into the cupboard for them they are right next to the coffee maker. Easy to get to! Especially if I am half asleep in the morning. It is not like I drink coffee all day long. Or many cups of coffee. I am a two cup coffee drinker! Occasionally I might have a third cup. That is rare though. 

Since my refrigerator is almost up against the end of the counter it makes that corner private. I have slide in shelves that go between the refrigerator and the counter. It just fits because my ex-maintenance man made it fit for me. The top of that slide in is where I keep the tin of coffee pods. So it is right on top and easy to get one out. I do not buy any sugar and have not for at least four years. Cream is all I use in my coffee. It is a pretty simple coffee bar with a spoon rest and spoon finishing it off. 

Then I have the larger Hamilton Beach coffee maker on the end of the counter back against the wall. Next to that is the smaller pod coffee maker. To use one I have to pull it out on the counter. Mainly because to fill either one with water I have to fill it from the back. I hate that design but I found most coffee makers are made like that. I had a really nice Ninja one that filled from the side but that one didn't even last a year. I put a straw place mat under them which helps if I want to use the bigger one. I just pull out the place mat with the coffee maker on it. Easier to do that. The smaller coffee maker is light so I can easily lift it and put it in place.

I have purchased a sign for the corner and will show that on this blog as soon as I have it in place. For me this is a pleasant spot to get my coffee. I now have a coffee bar designed especially for me. No extra cost really except for the small sign I purchased from eBay. There is a nice coffee shop around the corner from my apartment and many people go there. It is quite popular but that expense is not something I want to add to my small budget. I would rather buy the coffee pods and cream and make it at home. I like not having to leave home to get a decent cup of coffee. 

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

My Nuwave Pro Plus Counter Top Oven


Nuwave Oven

When I moved here in 2018 I could not adjust to cooking with the electric stove. I could not tolerate that electric smell when I would turn it on. Years ago I had cooked with electric stoves and ovens and I liked them. Maybe the years of living at Peaceful Forest homestead using a gas and a wood cook stove had changed my opinion of them. The smell and the smoke that comes off the burners was too much for me. Fortunately I was gifted by a friend, a used Nuwave Pro Plus counter top oven. It uses conduction, convection and infrared cooking technology. Using 75% less energy and cooks 70% faster than other ovens. 

Comes apart easily

Putting the oven together and cooking with it was pretty easy. The power head is what runs the whole system with digital controls. The next part is the transparent dome. Nice to see what you are cooking at all times! The cooking racks are of two different sizes depending on how close you want it to the power head. It has a non-stick liner pan that catches the grease from the food as it cooks. Unless you are using a pan to cook in instead of the rack. The base is what holds everything together. The dome fits right into it so all your heat stays inside the oven. 

Steak is cooking!

I can take a frozen piece of meat out of the freeze and put it directly in the Nuwave to cook. No defrosting or preheating necessary. I can cook a variety of foods together at the same time. Any baking pans that can be used in a conventional oven can be used in this oven too. If using aluminum foil it will slow down the cooking time. People have asked me why I like it so much. I think because it is easy for me to use and clean. You do not have to wash the whole oven every time you use it. Especially if you are cooking in a pan and not just on the rack. It takes up a large space on my counter but it is worth it. 

The Power Head  I bought on eBay

Recently the power head stopped working. I had worn it out. For awhile I could play with it to get it to work. Eventually it quit for good. I ordered a brand new one from Amazon. I was quite excited to be getting a new one! As soon as I cleaned it and got it set up I turned it on...........the smell! I could not tolerate it at all! I suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (or otherwise known as MCS) and there was no way I could use it. I sent it back and got a full refund. What was I going to use for my oven now? My toaster oven? No, that would not do for cooking meats even though I have cooked chicken and hamburgers in it before.

Back to work!

Well, I used to be a power seller on eBay and I know if I am looking for a part or a retro product that is the place to go. I still shop there even if I am not selling there anymore. I soon found every single part on my Nuwave for sale on eBay. I ordered a used power head after messaging the seller about whether it had that electrical smell or not. I know that smell goes away after awhile but I can't tolerate it for any length of time. He said no and he knew exactly what I was talking about. So I bought it for $23. with free shipping. It worked perfectly! No smell! No problems and it looks new. Probably was not used that much. 

The Crisping Tray

I was back to cooking with my original Nuwave with the "new to me" power head. I appreciate it even more now since I had to experience a few weeks without it. I have a crisping basket that I use for breaded items to make them crispy. Foods can have that deep fried coating taste and are not greasy. I like how versatile it is and I can cook using different methods. It will bake cookies, desserts, breads, rolls as well as casseroles and other things. I can roast a whole turkey or any other meat in it as well. What do I use the stove for now? I store all my pots and pans in it. Makes a nice cupboard! 

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Fall Is Here! Enjoying it!

 I love fall! I look forward to it every year eagerly. Most people who live in cold climates appreciate summer. Since I don't have a garden anymore to work in during the summer I stayed inside in the air conditioning. I was rarely outside this year unless it was to go to the dumpster. The hot weather just gets to me. I was out in the parks only a handful of times this year. When I did go outside I walked within a short distance of my building. Sometimes just going along the block in front of the building. I was afraid I would get too far away and get overcome by the heat. 

Grand Union parking lot.....I made it!

Surprisingly I walked one day from my building to the Grand Union to get food for Rabbit. It was a cooler morning and I went early. I am always at my best in the earlier part of the day. I walked all the way there and back. It was the farthest I have ever walked since living here. So proud of myself for doing that! Except that the next day and ever since walking has been extremely difficult for me. Needing the walker even in my apartment. My feet have swelled up and stayed that way since. Yesterday was the first day I didn't turn my air conditioner on at all. It felt good with my window open and a slight breeze coming in. I like cool days with the sun shining. It is a gray morning and could mean rain. Gray or rain, I don't care as long as it is cooler. I mean in the sixties or lower, but I doubt it will be that cool yet. I am looking for temperatures in the fifties. Shhhh! Don't tell my friends! They don't want that kind of weather. 

I gave these canners a work out over the years!

This time of year is our harvest time in upstate New York. Past years I would be a canning fool. Working nonstop from early morning till I was the last one up late at night. Two canners going constantly. I always canned everything because I didn't have a freezer and we needed the food. I did not want to waste even one vegetable so I never threw away or gave any away. Even then though I was not adding sugar to fruit, pickles or anything else. Once I learned the dangers of sugar I was able to eliminate it easily. Now foods with sugar do not taste good to me. I enjoyed those years of gardening and canning but am glad I am not doing it anymore. It was a lot of work and I want life to be easier.

My freezer is just big enough for ice, ice cream, popsicles & meat

Now I don't have to stock up on much food. It is just me and my bunny here. I do not eat much in the way of vegetables. No fruit at all because it is all sugar. I have a regular refrigerator with a freezer and don't really need any more room than that. I still like to cook. I will make a casserole or some other dish and have plenty of leftovers. Freeze the leftovers for another time. That way I don't get sick of it. For some reason I have gotten tired of chicken and am just finishing up what I have in my freezer. Not going to buy it for awhile or until I get the urge for it again. Beef, fatty fish and some pork is all I need. Oh yeah, dairy products too! 

Meat, dairy & produce

People wonder how I can afford so much beef? Since I do not buy any vegetables or fruit except what I have to buy for Rabbit that cuts those expenses off my budget. Then the same with all grains, sugars, processed boxed or frozen foods. No snack foods or expensive breakfast foods like cereals or baked goods. No ingredients needed to make those foods. I have had people say to me "I could not give up whatever it is." The difference is, I could when it meant I will be able to improve the quality of my life. Once I stopped eating the vegetables and fruit I noticed a big difference in how I felt. No more bloating or constipation issues. I am still working on my health issues. Especially the Lymphedema which makes me miserable. I could probably live with bad knees if I could at least walk better. 

Fall on my street!

I will never be the type of person to just give up or settle. I am not going to say I have Lymphedema and osteoarthritis and I will live with it. Nope, not for me. I will always strive to improve my health probably until the day I die. I have never been a follower. Just because a medical "so called expert" says this or that does not mean I will do it their way. I do my research and from sources I can trust. We have been fed so much propaganda in our lives that it is hard to believe anyone else no matter what credentials they have behind their name. Right now I am still working on my dental issues which have taken over five years. I imagine that will be a big change for me when it is done with. I am very much aware of the fact that food is our medicine and that is where you have to start on your health journey. I did. 

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole

Monday, September 23, 2024

The Inspiration Of Others In Your Life


Do we all have inspiring people we look up to when we are young? As time went on I discovered there was no one left to inspire me anymore. Is it because I became older and could see that everyone had been touched by the cool indifference and uncaring attitude that prevails today? There used to be women who stood out in the crowds. Who young women used as their own role models. Eventually they all showed another side as I grew older. The things I didn't know or realize while I was still young. The very women who I chose to copy. I wanted to be them when I grew up. It didn't take me too long to realize they were not what I imagined. Had they changed? No, I did. I matured.

Having gone through a couple of bad marriages, I learned a lot. I learned other women will sometimes target their friends' husbands. Other women will lie and steal to make themselves look better off than they are. Other women, even your closest friends will not tell you the truth. Even when asked face to face. Life teaches you over time the things to look out for. When you are young you don't see that. As you grow older you have time to think. You have time to learn from your past mistakes. 

Life is not easy and if someone tells you it is they are lying. It is not easy even for the richest or most beautiful beings on earth. We all have problems and issues to deal with. It is not up to you to bring problems or complaints to every person you are in  contact with. I keep things to myself. I don't feel I need to share my concerns or problems with others. Even the people closest to me. I have always been like that. Maybe due to me writing in journals it feels like I have talked it over. With myself! Maybe even on this blog with my readers! On the other hand I like to listen to others' problems and see if I can help them out in some way. Granted I cannot help them with financial problems or physical help but I can try to give them support or steer them in the right direction. That is if they ask for my advice first! Never offer it without being asked.

Yarrow growing wild

These days I choose not to feel anything more from a celebrity than appreciate their talent. I have been disappointed by too many of them. So many times I discover what their views are and then never watch or listen to them again. I had a huge collection of Madonna CDs and crushed them up so nobody could take them out of the dumpster. She lost me as a fan for life after stating her views. Same with Cher. Apparently they speak without thinking first. Bad move on their part! The issues they are voicing their anger on at the time will be over and done with in a short while. The blemish on their career and lost of some fans will last forever. 

It makes me wonder if the need for another woman as an inspiration disappears as we age ourselves. Now I am to an age when I feel much smarter than before. I made many bad decisions in my past and they are done with. Not going to dwell on them. When I was younger I may have. I am not going to live forever so not going to waste time on what may have been, Yes, I am where I am right now due to choices I made. Looking back at those times I wish I had not. Nothing can be done about those now. So doing the best I can with what I have. Life is ever changing and we change with it or we become negative humans. I choose to embrace the changes in my life now and stay positive. 

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Truth Is In The Details

Note the details!

It is funny how things a person attaches importance to doesn't matter to others. An issue I think is very important, is something other people do not know about it. If they do, they do not even think about it. When I look at a person or group of people, I take in every detail about them. I will usually note the color of their hair, their clothing and even their shoes. I listen to what they say. I will even study their body language or attitude in that situation. Maybe it is not normal to do that. I always thought it was because I like to write. When I write stories I use some of those characteristics. Sometimes I write those thoughts down so I have them for the future. Honestly I feel the real situation is always in the details. The details that are overlooked by many. 

kat's Kitchen

There is no way I can sit in a meeting or with a group of people and not listen to what they are saying. If I cannot hear them I will move closer or listen more intently. Maybe that is why the media reporters present different stories on the same exact issues. Some hear it. Some don't. Some see it and notice the details. Others do not. Pictures do not always tell the true story either. I know that for fact. I can take pictures of a messy room and make it look beautiful by editing the photo. In some ways people do that in life. Some look beyond faults of others and see only the good. My mother was like that. She forgave easily and welcomed those that hurt her back into her life. 

Wind Max 400

The world has changed so much by becoming focused on technology more than anything else. I admit it that I like my computers and being online as much as anyone else. It is a strange thought I had but living here in a city I need it way more than I did living on my homestead. I could have adapted to our life being centered around our land, gardens, harvesting food, the forest and our critters. Instead we needed power to live with technology so we had to have solar and wind. When I first moved there I thought that our life was going to be about living without those conveniences. When technology became the goal we needed money to set it up and it was never ending. I left because I could not keep up with the money or the work. I often think maybe if we had just been content to live in the house with it set up to live without technology (and horses) I could have stuck it out. 

A picture I colored.

Now I can go for days without seeing or talking to anyone in person. I have my friends online who fill that need. Lately I have been cutting back on my time on "fakebook" (my name for that site). I have the feeling they do not want my interaction or content there anymore. I am limited on what I can like, post or comment. I can live without them though I do miss my friends there. A good share of my day is spent following a list I have written the night before of what I am going to do today. Or try to do. My days seem to race by because I am so busy. I am presently reading three different books on my Kindle Fire. I try to read whenever I get a break from whatever I am doing. I like to color in adult coloring books and find it to be my time to think, pray and plan. It relieves stress for me. I take it to the laundry room while I do my laundry and it makes the time there go by quickly. 

I replaced the power head on my NuWave oven!

No matter what is going on in my life I do my best to stay positive and present a cheerful presence to the world. I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. Trying to figure out things for myself (with the help of YouTube) is what I do. My biggest obstacles has been trying to fix things, like my computers, my mobility chair, the Nuwave oven and the printer to just name a few. The last two I did myself by replacing a part on the oven and the printer itself. The work I do here is basically just keeping my studio apartment and myself clean. Taking care of my bunny. Looking out for my son. Nothing earth shattering. Just life. 


Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole