Maybe they offer a reward or something needed in exchange for the others to listen to them. That is not really what they are doing. They are trying to make them conform. You see it in religion all the time. When that doesn't work, they get angry. Their anger tells it all. My husband's family is very religious and they really push their beliefs on others. If you do not believe as they do, they basically shun you until you do. To everyone around them, they look very loving and good. People will say they are good "christians." Using the word Christian as if it describes them not as what they believe.
To me though, that was an example of not being a good Christian. In fact, it almost pushed me completely away for being a Christian at all. Then I learned on my own that your relationship with God has nothing to do with what other people think. Or the rules they make up along the way. Even the way they interpret the Bible. It is the same on just about any other hot topic. From diets to health or politics. Raising your children or whatever. People get hot over you not choosing to do what they did or do.
It kind of reminds me of a child stomping their feet and screaming when they don't get their own way. Maybe it is funny the first time you see them do that. Not if they do it every time you see them. Soon you stop seeing them or having anything to do with them. If you look through history you will see that is how it has always been. It is why people immigrated from their countries. It is why discoveries or inventions were made. People show rage if you do not agree with them. It is apparent just about everywhere you look.
My thoughts on that is that some parents give in to that screaming child and give them what they want to keep them quiet. Does that work? Maybe for that minute. Maybe for that day. But forever? No! It makes them see that if they do that whenever they want something then they can do it every time. If the parent stands up to them and says no, the child's screams and actions get louder and angrier. Till it gets out of control. Believe me, it does get worse. Much worse.
I know this. I had a niece who did this through out her teens and early adulthood. Needless to say that now she is no longer a part of my family. You can only take so much. After they chase everyone away from them, they are all alone with no one. Maybe they didn't care about their family when they were younger, but one day they will wake up and realize they are really alone. All those friends that supported their actions, grew up and moved on.
That is why people will try to sabotage your efforts to lose weight or stop smoking or stop using drugs or alcohol. If you are not already doing those things they try to get you to try it...........just this once! Others will make fun of someone who follows their own path. They try to make you conform by saying you are following a conspiracy theory or the doctor is a quack or whatever fits. Making it sound like where you got your information is the wrong one and theirs is again, the right one.
Most do not see that the citizens, the little people, so to speak, are being controlled by something or someone greater. It is like someone who always goes to the same doctor and whatever that doctor says is the truth and nothing new or different is true. They are like talking to a brick wall. I don't waste my time on them. I say let everyone do what they choose to do. Life was better when people retained a level of privacy. Just go your own way and do not worry or concern yourself with others. No longer will I try to make people open their eyes. I figure they get what they deserve.
Copyright © 2021 Kathleen G. Lupole