Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Keto Chow Ice Cream in the Ninja Creami


The Ninja Creami has definitely changed my life! I had bought a Cuisinart ice cream maker last year. Not even a year ago. It worked good and I probably would have been satisfied with that one if I didn't want to be making ice cream almost daily. Since giving up eating sugar and high carbs ice cream was the one thing I missed the most. Living so close to the store I would buy two packages at a time and sometimes that was all I ate for the day! Something had to change. I know I can't do the sugar, not to mention all the other ingredients in a carton of ice cream. Low carb or keto ice cream is sky high in price and a serving is half a cup. Half a cup??? Who in their right mind eats half a cup of ice cream????

Enter Keto Chow! A low-carb meal replacement shake that supplies you with protein, fiber, essential vitamins and minerals for a third of your daily requirements. Not only is it good for you, but it tastes good too! I have been using it almost daily since last fall. Usually as a shake or pudding which is how many people use it. As good as it was, it was even better as ice cream. 

Ice cream frozen to inside bowl ~ Cuisinart

I saw many people in the various keto groups and sites I go to raving about the Ninja Creami ice cream maker. It couldn't be that good could it? I was not making ice cream very often with the Cuisinart ice cream maker. I had to wait hours for it to soften up in the ice cream maker bowl to get the rest of it out. I did not like trying to scrape every drop of ice cream off the sides.  I already own a Ninja coffee maker and it is the best I have ever had. So I took the plunge and bought the Ninja Creami. 

After hearing about how loud it is I started worrying about using it in my apartment with other tenants next to me and across the hall. I worried my house bunny, Rabbit would die of fright. Some people said it sounded like a jet taking off! I finally took a chance. Yes, it is super loud but not as loud as a chainsaw or an electric drill. I think my vacuum food saver and vacuum cleaner are louder. Neither one bothers my bunny. I turned it on and watched him. He was listening and on alert (I could tell by his ears) but did not run or get scared. I then went out into the hall and it was not loud out there at all. I didn't want my neighbors complaining because I planned on using it every day.

It is loud because it is working hard churning its way through the frozen keto chow. I usually hit re-spin twice and it comes out exactly the way I like it. You can add various extra ingredients on the mix-in option. Such as heavy cream, chocolate chips, nuts, cookies, fruit, candy, etc. Sometimes I add some heavy cream or DaVinci's sugar-free syrup. 

The Ninja Creami can be used with any ice cream recipe you want to use. It is not for sugar-free, low carb or keto foods only. You can use any brand of shake or even use ice cream to make a milkshake. Fruit can be used for sorbet. So what this machine is capable of is much more than I have even explored. Right now it is supplying me with sugar-free ice cream that is healthy and tastes good. Keto Chow has many flavors so I have a large variety of ice cream available to me. In this hot weather having a constant supply of healthy ice cream is a good idea!

Copyright © 2022 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2022  Kathleen G. Lupole

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