Keto products I use regularly |
How did I transition from the standard American diet (SAD) to a Keto lifestyle? It was not overnight and it was definitely not easy. I started eating low carbs many years ago but would stop and start again and again. I did not feel good when off it and I knew this. Yet something kept me eating those foods I knew I should not be, ice cream, potato chips, chocolate candy and Whoppers with the bun and french fries (oh, how I loved those french fries!). What was it about those foods that made me not able to pass them by? I would blame it on whoever I was with. Especially when eating in restaurants. I knew what to order when I walked in the door. Yet when the waitress came to take the order I would hear myself ordering a completely different meal! I'd hate myself later that night.
Fast food is not an option for me! |
It is true though that your family and friends really do not want you to eat differently from them. I find that is true about many other things in life besides what foods you choose to eat. Everyone tries to get their family and friends to do what they do whether you like it or not. Somehow you have to get yourself beyond that. Even now, I am 99% living my keto lifestyle, but that 1%? Sometimes I slip off. Do I hate myself later? Not anymore. Because I am not perfect nor will I ever be perfect. I just go on as if it never happened. Living by myself makes it easier for me to eat the way I want. No influences or temptations from someone else. It is the rare person who will give up their favorite foods for someone else. Yet they expect you to give up your health and well being for them.
My keto kitchen! |
I don't call myself by any specific diet other than the keto lifestyle. There are many names for it....low carb, Atkins, Ketogenic, keto, ketovore, carnivore, lion diet, etc. It all boils down to protein, fat and low carbs. The Proper Human Diet. I no longer count calories. I don't care what they are. Some days I don't eat as much as other days. It all evens out over time. I do use a tracker. Cronometer. Just to have a record of what I ate each day. I don't care anymore about keeping track of protein or fat since usually I eat over 100 grams of each. So the days I don't get the 100 grams I am okay with that too. Another thing I don't do is to weight myself. I threw my scale out in the dumpster. A scale is really a useless tool that many people have an obsession with. A better measurement is your clothing. Save some clothing in smaller sizes and try them on at different intervals. Not daily!
My go to dessert is Keto Chow Ice Cream! |
When people say to me that keto didn't work for them. I know what they aren't saying. That is that they did not want to give it a chance to work. They wanted it to be easy and magically heal them and take their weight off in an instant. It does not work that way. Maybe it didn't work because every night they made a dessert......a keto dessert is still a dessert. Maybe they took those cheat days everyone is always talking about. Perhaps their friend took cheat days and still lost weight but they did not. Their body is not the same as their friend's body. We are all unique human beings.
Pizza Bowl Keto Style |
For me, over time I have been tweaking the keto lifestyle for myself. I don't follow what anyone says. I might try something that I hear about and test it on myself. I don't take challenges anymore either. I just keep finding new recipes and working on them to fit my taste. Keto meals can and do taste good. But you have to cook! Luckily it is something I love to do. So I will continue to live the keto lifestyle. One thing I want to remind others of is that this way of eating is not meant for weight loss. It is meant for health and weight loss is just a by product of that.
Copyright © 2023 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2023 Kathleen G. Lupole
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