is going to have to be watered this summer. I can see this. Past gardens hardly needed watering. Maybe once or twice through out the whole season. But this year, it is strange. We have gotten rain, but in between the garden has really dried out more than usual. Not sure why it is doing that. Tonight I will make sure to water it.
I have green and wax beans and
Hubbard squash
coming up real good. But the other things don't seem to be doing as good as usual. Last year was a perfect garden year, this year is not. So I must work around those problems. One way is to be VERY attentive to our garden. Keeping the weeds down. I don't use any weed control other than pulling the weeds myself. I like to do it in the early morning hours when the ground is still damp from the morning dew. Even better if has rained. Or pulling them in a light rain. I don't mind that so much.
The next important thing is to keep it watered.
in the early evening hours usually holds it through the next day. I love looking out the window at the raised beds and seeing the wet area around each plant. Nothing though seems to do a plant more good though than the natural benefit of rain. The most welcome sound is a gentle rain hitting our metal roof during the night. Then sunshine the next day!
Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
It seems like our weather this year has been feast or famine. It's either cold and rainy, or 90 degrees and humid. At least we have had enough rain where I live that the plants aren't drying out too much. Hope you enjoy a plentiful harvest this year!
We have definitely had the strangest weather this year. Your place sounds and looks so wonderful. I was raised in the east, but live in the desert. The one thing I miss the most is the rain. The thunderstorms and the light quiet rains. I hope you get rain soon.
Your raised beds are so smart and they look very attractive too. We just have one wood pallet on the ground and big pots of tomatoes, green beans, bell peppers, radishes and green onions on top of the pallet.
I also try to control pests naturally. This year I've planted a radish or basil in each tomato pot and....so far, so good.
I'll do a rain dance for you and maybe send some rainbows your way too. :)
Those are really nice pictures there. Nice post.
The good news is that we are getting rain now. The garden is looking good due to finally getting enough rain. Thanks for the comments and visiting my blog. I REALLY appreciate it!!!!
The weather has been so crazy where I live - it's been either really hot & dry or pouring rain!
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