Thursday, October 01, 2020

Before You Believe Something Research It

Fall colors in NY state

Every living being is different from each other. They may look alike. On the outside and the inside. Their bodies may be exactly alike in every way. Yet inside their minds and inner being, which I call their soul, they are unique indeed. Entirely different.Their thoughts are their own. What goes on in each mind is private and only what they share with you is all you will ever know. I know for myself, I keep much inside myself and never share it with anyone. It is not a matter of not trusting, but a matter of having no need to tell all my thoughts or ideas to anyone else. I have always been that way. I have never had a large circle of friends. 


Some people are stronger than others and I feel I am one of those. I may not look it but on the inside I am. No amount of brainwashing works on me. Researching every subject that comes up. Not watching television news and letting it sink into my brain by seeing or hearing it day after day. That is how it is done. In schools, in churches, in books, magazines and newspapers. In groups of people who meet under the guise of a club or organization. Now of course, social media is included in using the brainwashing process. In a big way too!

In the park

If you repeat any message enough times, then people start to accept it as being the truth. Including outright lies. People who have little self-confidence or show a tendency toward guilt and negative thinking are more likely to be successfully brainwashed. The person with a strong sense of identity and self-confidence can make them more resistant to brainwashing. Which is how I feel I am. 

Heirloom Apple Tree

It makes sense that people who believe what is being fed into their brains then become a part of a culture that honestly believes propaganda. I saw it in a YouTube video where an American visited North Korea with a group who was there to participate in a bicycle race and toured the memorial of the Korean war. The tour guide cited misinformation the whole time which made it sound like America was a sad third world country and not as strong as North Korea. China sends propaganda messages on televisions that play in businesses all day long. They put messages out on billboards and even in forms of entertainment such as movies, plays and music. The message is always there being played for your mind to absorb it. And believe it.

Yellow Star

This is a tactic that not only does the government and political parties use, but manufacturing companies and businesses use to promote their own products. I know when I was selling products online myself, that is what I learned about how to push your products. On Facebook you will see ads for a product so many times until everyone starts talking about it and saying how you need this. It reaches all areas of our lives. That is how fads get started. You can really see it in the latest fashions. Before you believe something do the research on it first. If you do that from unbiased sources you would make a sounder judgement. It really helps but it takes work at times.

Changing Colors Fast!

Long ago people lived on farms and didn't have a need for so many things. The manufacturing companies found ways to introduce their products to them. Brainwashing people with the thought that they needed these products to get them to purchase from them. Here is post I wrote in the past about that technique used by General Electric, The Electric Kitchen Party Of The Fifties. Well, they still do that today. It reaches a few people until it snowballs and everyone believes they need it too. You can see it in how the use of cellphones and computers evolved in our life time. I was never a phone person, but now I have one even though I do not use it like others do. I still prefer to use my computer over the phone.


I make it a point to not be influenced by others. I might choose to do things others do but not so much because they are doing it. Or that it is the newest cool thing or idea. I am not a follower and never have been. Standing on your own sometimes can be lonely (unless you are an introvert like me) at times, but eventually it comes out to have been the right choice. 

Copyright © 2020 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2020  Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2021

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