My strawberry plants. |
When setting up your homestead, take into consideration the many plants that you put in your garden, and around your property, can be perennials. Plants such as strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, asparagus and rhubarb will get you started. And most of them are fruits! Most of my berries are wild, but I have planted some strawberries in the last few years. Adding blueberries this year, as well. We have wild ones but I want those bigger, plumper berries.
Rhubarb will take over if allowed! |
Our rhubarb has been growing quickly and soon we will be harvesting it. As soon as the snow was gone, some of these plants were poking their sleepy heads up, as if to say, "Ah, spring!"
Chives, Lemon Balm, and Oregano! | | |
Chives, lemon balm and oregano grow in this bed. They come up every year on their own. That is one of the reasons why I love them so much. They go by their own schedule! This is why I recommend adding perennials to your garden. Less work. If you want to work, wait until harvest time! Then you can work at harvesting and preserving your produce.
Asparagus bed * |
I am planning on putting in an asparagus bed sometime. That is a plant that will give you plenty to harvest and you can freeze or can it. Looking at the prices in the stores, your best bet is to grow your own. I am eager to do this and think I have a little time to put it in yet. Our garden weather is cool and wet this year. So I will get them planted in a few weeks. You don't harvest them in the first year anyway.
Blackberries! |
This is just a few of the perennials I have growing. Some such as the berries are wild but they give us plenty of food too. So if you can get your planting and work down, as you get older you may find your gardening becoming easier. Do you have any perennials growing in your garden? Are there any you would like to grow? Tell me about them! I love to hear how my readers are gardening to build up their food supplies! Please leave a comment and I will share it on this blog in a future post.
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Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
I haven't put much thought into perennials because we're renting and will be moving in a year or two... or three. I have planted chives and strawberries at my mom's house, although the strawberries may not have survived the winter. I do want to plant some asparagus soon.
Oh ~ everything looks so delightful ~ It is green here in MA but dreary, gray and cold ~ love your place ~ ^_^
Ummm...strawberries and blueberries. That's sounds so good and such pretty colors that will make your garden too. We started our herb pots, parsely and basil. If this rain would stop here in Colorado long enough to get out and do some gardening, we'd get going on some more herbs. But I shouldn't complain, we really need the rain here.
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