Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tom Cats Are Hard To Control!

Nose is all scratched up!

Spots came here at the end of August last year. He is a tomcat and I had every intention of having him neutered. The biggest problem was that he is not the kind of cat to be in a house or contained in any way. I had won his trust and he was seeding into our family. But as an outside cat. Around the end of December, he just was gone. We looked and looked for him but he never came back.

He is different than when he was here before.

About two weeks ago, I got up early to turn the coffee on and who do you think was sitting on the raised bed out back? Yes! It was Spots! I was so excited to see him that I ran outside and never thought he'd be scared of me. He ran into the woods and was gone. I was bummed out to say the least. So was my son, Jeff. He had really gotten attached to Spots when he was here before. As you can see in their photo on my blog post here.

I won him over with food!

A day or so later, he showed up again. But he acted like he didn't know us. He was very timid around us and I had to win him over again. Now he goes away, and when he comes back he is battled scarred. As soon as I can, I will get him to a vet to get him neutered, and hope he will stay around here after that. But I am not sure. He might not trust me after that!

He doesn't look too timid here, now does he?

Copyright © 2013 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2013  Kathleen G. Lupole


Unknown said...

very cute cat! Got to love cats independent personality.

primrosesattic said...

I'm sure you will win his trust again and he is lucky to have you. Hope it all goes well.