Main & Broad Streets Intersection |
I spent the day recently with my boyfriend, Sonny, exploring Norwich (NY), the small city I live in. I was on "Jazzy" (my mobility chair) and he was on his scooter. If you live in a city and have physical limitations as far as walking goes, these mobility vehicles are helpful to go shopping or other places. In fact, I have fun on mine. I look forward to going out on it, even if I just go to the park across the street. Sonny's scooter can be taken apart to go inside his car. Jazzy is much heavier and bigger so I don't think it would be that easy to travel with. Since I don't have a car, I basically use Jazzy for my transportation during the nicer weather in the downtown area where I live.
A Crosswalk on N. Broad Street
Norwich recently put in these awesome crosswalks. I feel much safer as I cross where there is not a stop light. Press a button and the lights flash to let the cars know you are crossing. For a small city, Norwich, NY, gets quite busy and has a lot of traffic, as well as people on the street. The grocery store is a little farther away but if you can walk or use a mobile chair you can still go to it. There are a few stores, such as the drug store that sell food also. So in a pinch you can get something you need though they are more expensive.
The Colonia |
The Colonia movie theater, in which we have seen two movies so far is also within walking distance of my apartment. We first saw Bohemian Rhapsody there in 2018 and we loved it so much we went back and saw it again. Then we saw Cats, the movie. Now Cats had a lot of bad reviews online, but I read the book and saw the Broadway show twice so I understood it. Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot is a book of poetry that he wrote back in 1939. I had this book for years and now I have it on my Kindle. I still read it. The Colonia is a vintage theater and is like stepping back in time. I love it! Some people do not enjoy the vintage seating. Smaller and harder seats, but I like the atmosphere. Right now it is showing their movies at the fairgrounds like a drive-in due to the quarantine. Watching a movie in a car is not going to be fun for me so we won't be doing that.
Downtown |
The businesses in downtown Norwich are attractive and inviting. That is why I always said if I had to move from the country to a city it would be to Norwich. I am still glad I did. My apartment is right behind these buildings you see in the photo. There are restaurants, taverns, coffee shops, stores, including a department store and a drug store. You will also find hair salons, barber shops, a jewelry store, a head shop, a bicycle shop and a leather and biker related gear store, among others I may have missed. A nice mix and on the surrounding streets there are more than a few churches within walking distance. Or at least within using a mobile chair distance.
McLaughlin's Department Store |
If you do not own a car then choosing a downtown area to live in is a good idea. Taking your time to research the area of whatever city you choose is important. We cannot be too careful these days and nobody can be 100 percent safe. I feel safe here but I never leave my apartment after dark alone. Even walking out to the dumpster I am careful and always go earlier in the day. Do not put yourself at risk. One lady in my building scared someone who was inside our dumpster when she opened it to put her trash bag inside. He jumped out and he ran off. Maybe we was sleeping inside? With all that garbage? Yuck!
Arts Council Theater & Gallery sign |
A sign on the street directs cars to the parking lot for the Chenango Arts Council, which is in the other half of my apartment building. The theater there provides entertainment in the form of plays and musicals, such as what you would see in a Broadway show. They sell out quite often. I have not been to one of those yet, but we have gone to the free movies they show about once a month (before the quarantine). They show older movies in the theater that are usually in black and white and give out free popcorn and water. We enjoyed those. The Arts Council also offers lessons in various arts and crafts and there is also a music instruction studio in the building.
South Broad Street
I have only covered a small portion of what is available in Norwich, NY. I will be doing more posts about it in the future.
Copyright © 2020 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2020 Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2021