Wednesday, July 31, 2024

10 Items That Makes Aging In Place Easier

As a person ages, things change. Your body, your health, your ability do do things, your memory, your financial situation or your daily life. Face it! Everything changes! Actually your life changes from day one but when you get to a certain age life starts changing fast. My own life started changing as soon as I reached the magic age of fifty. If I had to pinpoint when I started noticing the aging process it was that year. It is not bad or something to get upset about. Just the life cycle. It will happen to everyone soon enough. 

Since moving to my apartment six years ago I have embraced my own aging process. Accepted it and tried to make it easier which I could not do in my previous home. I hear people worrying about not being able to age in place in their present homes. They are scared to make the change and don't know what to do about it. I am fortunate to have made the change and moved into an apartment set up for that purpose. I call it "disabled friendly" and it is.

Ten Items I Use:

There are still aids you can use wherever you live to help you do whatever you need to do. This is a list of ten items I have found that help me almost daily. There are many more than these but for me these are the ones I use now. 

1. Back Scratcher

A back scratcher with a long handle can be used for more than scratching. It is handy for rubbing a pain in your feet or elsewhere. I carry mine on my walker so I have immediate access to it. 

2. Picker Upper

The picker upper I have belonged to my mother and when I brought it home after she had died I kept it for sentimental reasons. Now I use it for things I cannot reach. It is very handy for me now.

3. Shoe Horn

I have a shoe horn with a long handle and I use it daily for putting my shoes on. I cannot reach my feet easily and this shoe horn is a necessary for putting my shoes on. 

4. Eye Glass Cleaner

I have to clean my glasses every morning. They get spotted up and for my safety I need to know where I am going. I have a spray cleaner and an eye glass cloth used for that purpose that the eye doctor gave me. Life is easier when you can see clearly. Don't want to fall!

5. Jar Opener

I cannot tell you how valuable I find the jar opener. I get frustrated with not being as strong as I used to be. I definitely need this tool to open jars. 

6. Cups with Lids

I drink a lot of water and electrolytes so have a cup near me most of the day. I have noticed that I spill things more often than I used to. Don't know if that is an aging thing or what but having cups with lids helps. I have not found a coffee cup I like with a lid since I prefer ceramic coffee cups not steel or plastic.

7. Tray Table

I confess......I eat in front of my computer. Since my table is set up for my computer equipment that was the only place to eat. Now I have an adjustable tray table that is light and easy to move around my apartment. I move it to my computer chair and face away from the computer when I am eating. I like it better for eating my meals. 

8. Portable Table

The portable table is a lot larger than the tray table. It folds up flat to fit behind a door. I can set it up in a minute. Mostly I use it for projects I am working on. Or if I am hosting a coffee hour with my friends in my apartment. I could put a table cloth over it and serve a meal on it if I chose to do so.

9. Walkers 

I actually own four walkers. Two rollator types, with wheels and a seat. One stationary one that has four legs. The stationary one is handy inside my apartment not so much for walking, but I can lean on it while doing something. Also good for getting out of a chair or bed. The ones with wheels I use for walking all the time now. The fourth one is designed for going up and down stairs. 

10. Toilet Seat Riser

The toilet seat riser is for anyone that has a low positioned toilet. I had a new toilet put in a couple of years ago and the maintenance man should have known better than getting a low one for a disabled person. I was so disappointed but had to live with it. So I ordered the seat riser and it works for me. I have other items that help make my life easier but that will have to be another blog post. 

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Cleaning and Organizing My "Lazy Susan"

Recently I cleaned out the "Lazy Susan" in my kitchen. I had too much in it and needed to clean and update it. Throw out the things I do not use or that are outdated. If you cook a lot you probably have a lot of seasonings in your cupboard. Sometimes I will use one particular herb or spice for months then all of sudden for some reason or other I start using a different one. Herbs and spices are something I never stock up on. I like them as fresh as I can get them. Though I admit to still using a few that are long outdated. They are just too expensive to throw out. The secret to using a "Lazy Susan" is to keep it organized and always put each item back in its own space. 

According to American folk lore the "lazy Susan" was invented by Thomas Jefferson which was actually a "dumbwaiter" for his daughter, Susan. Regardless of who or when it was invented is irrelevant to me. Whoever did it probably did not consider that one day it would be included inside a corner of the cupboard in a kitchen. Honestly I wish they had built one into my other corner cupboard as well. I have a hard time getting things out of it that are in the back. Storing the things I use most often in the front of it only. 

On the top shelf of this cabinet I keep all my seasonings, herbs and spices, along with extracts and flavorings. At one end is all the peppers and salts and the other end has paper items, such as plastic Ziploc bags, wax paper, aluminum foil, parchment paper, etc. In the middle is all the seasoning. Everything is easy to get to quickly. I like it to be easy to use while cooking. Searching for something in particular annoys me if I can't find it. That is usually my own fault putting something back in the wrong spot. 

Paper products, aluminum foil, plastic wrap and bags are kept in their own boxes on one end. The wall of the cupboard keeps them in place. I find that by keeping the small bottles of extracts and essential oils in a tin without the top keeps them in place. 

The plastic trays work well in here also. I don't want any jars falling over when I spin the "Lazy Susan" around. When I am in the kitchen cooking this cupboard is almost always open. I like to put everything back as soon as I am done with it. When I decided to live small I discovered routines work best to keep everything neat and clean. Do not buy anything you are not going to use. If you are trying something new buy the smallest available till you see if you like it or not.

The bottom shelf can hold heavier items. I have things on that shelf that I don't use every day. It holds my health supplies such as the electrolytes, cough drops and Essiac tea extract. Dehydrated onions are also on that shelf as well as coffee and sugar-free syrups. I like to stock up on my supplies but have to be careful how much I buy. Space is limited but that is okay with me. I don't want a lot of stuff. I lived that way in my last home and it was stupid to live like that. Having so much stuff that you never even use it. Now I use everything. 

I was amazed that all these items would fit back into the "Lazy Susan". I did get rid of some of the outdated things or whatever I did not use. Still I had a lot of stuff to fit on those shelves. I am careful to not overload the shelves because that could cause them to break. Not sure the management would be willing to fix it for me. At the very least it would take awhile for them to repair it. Best to keep it in very good shape and be careful with it. So I am.

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole

All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Do Not Force Your Opinions On Me

I belong to several different social media platforms as well as various forums. It is really more social interaction than I need or want. Nobody has actually done anything specifically to me but I see the snide remarks they make about other people. It is sickening. People tend to flaunt the idea that they are better than people living on the street with no home or drug addicted. I have news for them. They are no better than the poorest ones. No better than the worse drug addicts. These people think they are better than someone just because they live in a better home at a better address. They do not need to live in a subsidized apartment or use SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps) and Medicaid. Just be thankful that you don't. 

I even see people complaining that someone paid for shrimp or steak at the grocery store with their SNAP card! Then they complain that the SNAP recipients should only be allowed to buy healthy food. Not purchase all that processed foods, snacks and soda that they themselves are filling their grocery carts with every payday? I have news for you! Steak and shrimp are healthy foods! Probably cheaper than all that processed food you chose. When are you people going to grow up? Mind your own business! I recently saw a person being critical because someone who lives in subsidized housing orders a pizza and has it delivered. Really? 

Just because someone lives with a low income or subsidized housing does not mean that they are not allowed to have a pizza delivered. Actually there are no rules like that. It is independent living. As long as you pay your rent you can buy whatever you want with your money. Besides that person did not know the circumstances of buying that pizza. Maybe a visitor bought it for them as a treat. Or maybe they put that pizza delivery in their budget so they could treat themselves. 

These are the types of things that turn me away from people or social interaction. I could live very happily without social media and the forums. I don't really need to be there. Facebook is another story because I can delete whoever irritates me. I have many people there that I can say I truly love. Especially my cousins who I can stay in contact with now. Whether I have met one of my friends in person or not. Sometimes I forget I have never met them in person. Some I went to school with long ago and never expected to see or hear from them again. Now I am talking to them almost daily. Thank you for that, Facebook.

It is just that people go overboard with judging others. I have done it in my past and try to make an effort not to do it now. Judging someone because they smoke (I am very sensitive to the smoke), drink (I was married to an alcoholic so have a bad opinion of drinking) or eat what I consider to be unhealthy (I have worked so hard on fine tuning my keto diet but it is not for everyone). I have known people in my past who were very judgmental due to religious views. Fortunately I am tactful and never try to push my opinion on others. I just wish other people would not bother trying to force their opinions or choices on me. It is not going to work. 

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole

All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Every Day Life In My Apartment

 I cook and I clean every day. Really not much different than I did when I lived on my homestead. The differences are that I am living with my pet Rabbit only. So he is the only one I need to feed and look out for besides myself. I spend time on my computer the same as I did back then too. The main differences is that I now have all the conveniences I didn't have back then. The ones I thought I would have eventually. Like running water! Like air conditioning! I suffered horribly there in the summer time. I hated it and was miserable due to the heat. At my age now, I think the hot weather would have killed me. I cannot take it even now but at least I have the relief of a cold apartment.

My household chores would not be so bad if my knees weren't as bad as they are now. I was walking outside with my walker regularly and that was doable. Then this hot weather struck early this year. In June. So much for me walking outside. The last time I walked outside was to my hair appointment and the walk there was not too bad. Coming back though, in the hottest part of the afternoon was a killer. I doubted several times on the way back if I was going to make it. I did. It is not that far. 

I cook all my own meals in my small kitchen. They do not heat up my apartment since I use counter top kitchen appliances. Such as the Duxtop induction stove top burner and the NuWave convection oven. Both are energy efficient and do not put out much heat when in use. The Instant Pot is also a major part of my small kitchen. I have other kitchen appliances but these three are my major every day sources. I like to cook so I have no complaints about making meals for myself daily. 

My apartment is designed for a disabled person and is perfect for me. I know a lot of people will tell me, "Oh I could never live in a studio apartment." Yet there are many advantages to doing so. Especially as you age. For one thing, it is cheaper. My rent is very low. Due to the small size of a studio (mine is 338 sq. ft.) you are forced to downsize and get rid of your clutter. Less stuff makes it easier to care for it. Easier to keep it clean. Nothing for you to fall over. I am fortunate that my studio has a completely separate kitchen. Some just have a kitchen built along one small wall area. My kitchen is U shaped. It enables me to reach from one side to the other. This gives me a way to hold on if needed while working in it. I find it to be the perfect design for me. It is also big enough to use a wheelchair in it. Though I do not need one presently. 

The dining area of my apartment that would normally be used for eating, I use for my computer and related equipment. It comes in handy since I cannot stand longer than five minutes at a time in the kitchen. I will start something cooking and come sit down and can still keep an eye on it from here. I do not use the table for eating. It is a kitchen/dining table but it makes more sense to keep my computer on it. I bring a tray table to my chair when I am having a meal. It is easier and more relaxing. 

I find that the more I get rid of things the more I like it. I also find that the more I can do for myself the better it is for me. Privacy in my apartment is important to me so at this time I do not have anyone helping me. There are certain ways I do things and I do not want anyone trying to change that or me. Maybe my way of doing something is not the easiest or the fastest, but it is my way. I plan on keeping it that way.

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole

Monday, July 08, 2024

Low Carb, Keto, Ketovore or Carnivore????

The part of my health journey I am on right now is known as ketovore. In my whole dieting life this is the best I have ever done. Before I could never quite stick with it. Now I see and understand why. I was an addict. Yes, I was a carb addict. It is no different than being an alcoholic, a smoker or a drug addict. Yet in some ways it is much harder because unless you are on a long term fast you have to eat some kind of food. I was also a person who wanted results immediately. When I did not see them I would give up and buy the very foods that have the potential to kill me. One of the hardest foods for me to give up was ice cream. Read the label on that one! So bad for you yet I kept buying it. 

Meat bought on sale

After much research I have come to the conclusion that many people start following a low-carb diet and transitioning over time to keto. After a period on that they start eating "ketovore" which is mainly meat with small amounts of seasonings and vegetables. Eventually they will experiment with carnivore. Starting with the famous BBB&E (beef, butter, bacon & eggs). That will lead to the carnivore way of eating. The first reaction is how can I eat only meat? Of course the second reaction is how can I afford to buy only meat? Carnivore is mainly used as an elimination diet for most people. Finding what foods affect you badly as you add them back in. For me, I already knew what foods were affecting me. 

One thing I have learned in my life is that whatever I need, God will provide it. In some way or other. At times I have to remind myself to have patience because God does not work instantly. He takes you on a journey so that when you get to where you want or need to be you will remember what you had to go through to get there. Because I write in a journal I always have a record of the various journeys I have taken. I will look at them to see how far I have come. It does my heart good when I see my progress down on paper. 

Keto Chow Ice Cream

I loved the anticipation of waiting to get ice cream from the store. The exciting feeling I got when taking it from the freezer to eat. I often ate only that for the whole day. All three meals starting with breakfast. I didn't care if it was healthy or not. The next day I would feel like such a loser. So what helped me break that crazy cycle? It is called a "gateway" or a "bridge" to beating that habit. I started using a keto replacement shake called Keto Chow. It replaces one meal with all the nutrients you would get from a balanced meal. Using it as ice cream was my magic potion! The fact that it does not taste like any other replacement shake and better than most ice creams was a big plus. I can have it daily as part of healthy food plan. And I do! It is worth every penny I pay for it and I always budget it into my monthly grocery budget.

Eating a variety of meats now

Even though my food plan is not 100% carnivore or ketovore it is what works for me. Keeps me on track. I like to cook and I have to look forward to my meals. Intermittent fasting turned out not to be good for me because I cannot get in enough protein. Due to my age and being a woman it is important to get in enough protein. That is probably how I got to this point in my health journey as it is. So I am now eating three meals a day. The Keto Chow is a big plus for me. Not only because it tastes good but it has all the nutrients I need for a whole meal. So I only have to worry about the other two meals. 

Eggs are essential for my food plan!

Breakfast is always eggs unless I have leftovers I want to eat instead. Mostly eggs though. Sometimes with bacon or sausage. I have a friend who brings me eggs from her daughter's home raised chickens. My lunch or midday meal is Keto Chow as ice cream made in the Ninja Creami. That really fills me up! Sometimes I have to eat supper at a later hour because I am not hungry yet. Depends on what time I eat my meals because I do not live on a set schedule. Supper is always just meat. A steak, ground beef, chicken thighs or wings, pork belly or salmon. Occasionally I will have breakfast for supper. 

Meat in my freezer

When you are buying meat and not much else it is easily affordable. Some of the packages of meat give me more than one meal. For a big eater they might only get one meal out of a package of meat. If you just get a little dairy and meat at the grocery store the cost is not that bad. Besides paying more for your meals at home should be a better buy than paying for restaurant and fast food meals out. People don't think twice about paying huge prices when they go out to eat. Then they complain about the price of meat in the grocery stores. Actually it is better food and a better buy. Over time it could help you reclaim your health and get you off those prescriptions. Don't give up on it before trying it. It just might improve your life.

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole