Monday, July 08, 2024

Low Carb, Keto, Ketovore or Carnivore????

The part of my health journey I am on right now is known as ketovore. In my whole dieting life this is the best I have ever done. Before I could never quite stick with it. Now I see and understand why. I was an addict. Yes, I was a carb addict. It is no different than being an alcoholic, a smoker or a drug addict. Yet in some ways it is much harder because unless you are on a long term fast you have to eat some kind of food. I was also a person who wanted results immediately. When I did not see them I would give up and buy the very foods that have the potential to kill me. One of the hardest foods for me to give up was ice cream. Read the label on that one! So bad for you yet I kept buying it. 

Meat bought on sale

After much research I have come to the conclusion that many people start following a low-carb diet and transitioning over time to keto. After a period on that they start eating "ketovore" which is mainly meat with small amounts of seasonings and vegetables. Eventually they will experiment with carnivore. Starting with the famous BBB&E (beef, butter, bacon & eggs). That will lead to the carnivore way of eating. The first reaction is how can I eat only meat? Of course the second reaction is how can I afford to buy only meat? Carnivore is mainly used as an elimination diet for most people. Finding what foods affect you badly as you add them back in. For me, I already knew what foods were affecting me. 

One thing I have learned in my life is that whatever I need, God will provide it. In some way or other. At times I have to remind myself to have patience because God does not work instantly. He takes you on a journey so that when you get to where you want or need to be you will remember what you had to go through to get there. Because I write in a journal I always have a record of the various journeys I have taken. I will look at them to see how far I have come. It does my heart good when I see my progress down on paper. 

Keto Chow Ice Cream

I loved the anticipation of waiting to get ice cream from the store. The exciting feeling I got when taking it from the freezer to eat. I often ate only that for the whole day. All three meals starting with breakfast. I didn't care if it was healthy or not. The next day I would feel like such a loser. So what helped me break that crazy cycle? It is called a "gateway" or a "bridge" to beating that habit. I started using a keto replacement shake called Keto Chow. It replaces one meal with all the nutrients you would get from a balanced meal. Using it as ice cream was my magic potion! The fact that it does not taste like any other replacement shake and better than most ice creams was a big plus. I can have it daily as part of healthy food plan. And I do! It is worth every penny I pay for it and I always budget it into my monthly grocery budget.

Eating a variety of meats now

Even though my food plan is not 100% carnivore or ketovore it is what works for me. Keeps me on track. I like to cook and I have to look forward to my meals. Intermittent fasting turned out not to be good for me because I cannot get in enough protein. Due to my age and being a woman it is important to get in enough protein. That is probably how I got to this point in my health journey as it is. So I am now eating three meals a day. The Keto Chow is a big plus for me. Not only because it tastes good but it has all the nutrients I need for a whole meal. So I only have to worry about the other two meals. 

Eggs are essential for my food plan!

Breakfast is always eggs unless I have leftovers I want to eat instead. Mostly eggs though. Sometimes with bacon or sausage. I have a friend who brings me eggs from her daughter's home raised chickens. My lunch or midday meal is Keto Chow as ice cream made in the Ninja Creami. That really fills me up! Sometimes I have to eat supper at a later hour because I am not hungry yet. Depends on what time I eat my meals because I do not live on a set schedule. Supper is always just meat. A steak, ground beef, chicken thighs or wings, pork belly or salmon. Occasionally I will have breakfast for supper. 

Meat in my freezer

When you are buying meat and not much else it is easily affordable. Some of the packages of meat give me more than one meal. For a big eater they might only get one meal out of a package of meat. If you just get a little dairy and meat at the grocery store the cost is not that bad. Besides paying more for your meals at home should be a better buy than paying for restaurant and fast food meals out. People don't think twice about paying huge prices when they go out to eat. Then they complain about the price of meat in the grocery stores. Actually it is better food and a better buy. Over time it could help you reclaim your health and get you off those prescriptions. Don't give up on it before trying it. It just might improve your life.

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole

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