Yesterday, I spent some time working in my garden
. If you have been following my blog, then you know that my husband had built me some raised beds. My plants came up fine, but the slugs have been doing their best to destroy them. I had recently bought Ruth Stout
's book in a thrift shop for fifty cents, if you can believe that! She told in there, the method of putting beer in a container and filling it with beer. Finally, something to do with all the beer that people have left at my house! Well, it may sound weird, but it works. I had put it in some empty cat food cans, and put dirt around it, so it looks like a little swimming pool. Only thing, they can't swim. Every morning, it is full of slugs. Maybe there's hope for my green beans yet!
Trying to grow enough food to get through to the next harvest season is not easy. It's probably easier for us, as there is only the two of us here. Of course, we have to buy a lot of other things that we cannot raise. I keep trying to increase the items I grow. I could live on the vegetables and fruits myself, but my husband cannot.
Living in the forest, as we do, there are many wild foods growing right around us. Just this morning, I was picking the wild strawberries, which are abundant this year. I see raspberries coming up all over the place. Also, wild grapes, elderberries, hawthorn berries, blueberries, blackberries, dandelion, lamb's quarters, plantain and many more than I can remember. Every year isn't this good, but we haven't had a lot of rain like we usually do.
Two years ago, I planted a lot of heirloom tomatoes
. Last year and then again this year, I didn't get the spot ready for them in time. And I figured I wouldn't have any this year. Now I have noticed tomatoes growing everywhere! Even in my newly planted beds. Last year, they took over the whole garden. We had plenty. So I am looking forward to the tomatoes this year again. It's funny that I always had to start tomatoes early to get them in, and now they just start themselves. Course, they aren't real big yet and it's almost July, but I can usually keep them going till around October.
I will be back tomorrow and I will have something to tell you that is really exciting for me! See you then.
Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
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