Yesterday, I had to be away from my computer
most of the day, so I could not get my blog published early in the morning. It was hot, and we had to go to the Bainbridge Veteran's Health Clinic which is about 15 miles away. It is a nice drive, all country and very green and hilly. Now we always make sure if we have to go somewhere like that, for an appointment, we do all our errands while we are out. That way, you don't waste gas running to town for little things. It also saves me money since when I make those little stops in between my regular grocery shopping I seem to spend more.
So we had to go to the feed store and get our horse feed, then to the bank, gas for our truck, Dollar General Store for cat food
, grocery store and then after all that, we had to pick up 15 bales of hay. And that meant that the groceries
had to squashed in the cab of the truck with us! Ohhhh!!! I don't want to do that again! Next time, the hay will be picked up on a special trip. Besides, our dog, Nikita loves to go with my husband to get the hay. I hate to take her fun away.
So this is short but didn't want to miss out just in case someone comes here daily to see my new posts. I like blogging and look forward to it. It seems to be good therapy and helps me make goals and know whether I am attaining them or not. Homesteading is a series of on going goals.
Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
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