Georgie Girl and Dark Shadow
This morning I woke up to find my horses sticking their heads over the fence
Morning at Peaceful Forest
Anyway we ended up working on the fence on the front corner. It was really in bad shape! Tawny could have easily gone out from under it with no problem. She used to get out all the time. We'd get up and there she'd be in the yard eating grass. The other two girls would be racing around the paddock
Fence fixed!
I miss the wood fence. It was much sturdier than the metal fence post kind. The insulators were nailed to the post and held their position. Shoot, sometimes I couldn't even get them off the post with the hammer
Cutting the grass and weeds
My husband then hammered some of the post in so that they were more secure.Then he got out the scythe and started clearing the front of the paddock of the grass and weeds that the horses
Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
Makes me feel serene when following your day around the peaceful homestead. Much love up North
I love to see photos of your homestead! So green and lush, and appears to be wonderful weather! I daydream as I look because we are building a section of fence on the ranch right now and it looks a little more like the Mojave Desert! We've been trying to keep from getting heatstroke but it can be difficult in 108+ degree weather...
Keep up the great photography!
Thank you for your visits to my blog and making comments! It does seem like our summer is pretty nice this year.
Joe, I don't think I could take those temperatures!
Wish our place looked so green. Great pics. I've been working on fence in 100 dgree weather with no rain since the 40 inches in March and April. I am envious...
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