A garter snake in the yard
We have more than a few garter snakes
Garter snakes feed on earthworms, frogs, insects, salamanders and occasionally on small birds or mammals, such as mice and moles. They like to live on damp ground. We don't have any standing water on our property, but we get enough rain usually to keep our ground moist.
Three snakes in the morning sun!
Snakes are considered to be cold blooded. But they are not exactly cold blooded. They do not control their own body temperature. Mammals
Mickey (Dran) showing off a dead snake!
Since I partly grew up in Crescent City, FL
Our biggest garter snake!
One morning some years back, our kitchen ceiling was opened up and a big snake was coiling down from it. Now that did scare me! Mostly because I didn't expect a snake coming out of my ceiling and he was a big one. How he got up in my attic I do not know, and hope we never have any up there again. My husband caught him and carried him down to the creek.
For the most part, snakes are as scared of you as you are of them. If you leave them alone they will usually go away from you. Don't threaten them unless you have no choice and they will leave you alone. Be careful around them and teach your children to also.
Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
I agree with you. We live in southeast Alabama and snakes are out here for a ling time because we are so warm. Our property adjoins a Corps of Engineers park but for some reason we have few in our yard. Most are rat snakes which help with vermin.
Lady Cat, I understand a snakes place in the circle of life though my desire to visit you has decreased drastically :-)))
I appreciate all of nature. The snakes are part of it. The one part of nature I do not like is the bad bugs and the mice and the snakes help rid our yard of them. So they are very beneficial too!
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