Monday, November 18, 2019

Holiday Time Is Coming

Streets are decorated for Christmas!

This is the time of the year when people get depressed. Worrying seems to affect most people and the holidays seem to make it more difficult. I have lived through times like that myself. Looking at some of my old journals, I see where I wrote about families everywhere enjoying a Thanksgiving dinner and we did not have enough money to buy anything. Just the canned foods that I had grown in my garden. If you are so far behind on all your credit bills that all the money coming in goes to them, you have none left over for living expenses. Now I do not have those problems. I am by no means rich or even well off, but I am comfortable where and how I live now. The difference is that I am in charge of my money and what I do with it. I didn’t even have a grocery budget! Now I do. I remember when I read about what to do to cut expenses. I would say to myself, "I already did that a long time ago.”

My vintage Christmas decorations are old!

Instead of dreading the holidays, I embrace them. I decorate my apartment for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. I do not have to spend much money as most of my decorations I already had. I can make special foods and share with my neighbors, my son and my boyfriend. Nothing has to be expensive or time consuming. Just little things shared with loved ones can be the most meaningful. For Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year's Day though, you do not have to spend money. That is the marketing strategy behind the commercialism of the holidays. When I was a child growing up, my parents did not spend a lot on decorations or our presents. Many years later after we had grown up and had our own children, I saw my parents go overboard on buying presents for their grandchildren. It was wasted money as far as I was concerned. Children having so many presents that they don't know which one to play with first is crazy.

Make a nice dinner even if alone!

If you are sad or alone on the holidays, I know it can be a hard time for you. Maybe you can reach out to someone who needs a friend during the holidays too. Have a potluck dinner with several people who are alone on those days. Last year, I did not know what to expect having just moved here. I am so blessed by the other people who also live in my building. For the most part, they are very caring and loving people. Also the city I live in has churches and organizations providing holiday dinners and socialization for the less fortunate. Not just financially, but people who are alone for one reason or another.

Christmas tree from the thrift store!

No matter what you are worried about, it will eventually pass. I know this because I thought my worries were the kind that would be with me for the rest of my life. I did reach that light at the end of the tunnel. I call it the tunnel of worry. Of course, to do so, you most likely have to make changes in whatever is causing you to worry and be depressed. Losing the people you love, even years ago, will haunt you at the holidays. It just does because they are no longer here with you. Instead of becoming depressed about your loss, think about their value to your life. Think about the good memories you shared with them. Think about how much they meant to you without becoming depressed about it. Since I enjoy writing, I like to write in my journal about things we did together. My memories of them. Things they said to me. Places we went together. Our happy times. Not my memories of them in a hospital bed. If that is all you picture in your mind then it is no wonder you are so depressed.

Make your holidays special for YOU!

No matter what you feel for these holidays. It is just a day. I have found in my life that being around negative people affects me. I am basically a happy type of person. Both of my parents were like that. My mother taught me to make a list of pros and cons of each situation and figure out from there how to change it. Which is what I always do. Sometimes you cannot change your situation to your dream of what it should be. But little changes you can do now will help. If no matter what you will be alone on the holiday, make it your day. Play music, make a fantastic dinner with leftovers, drink wine or whatever, prepare or buy a sinful dessert for after dinner with a special coffee drink and watch some I Love Lucy shows. Laugh a lot! 

Copyright © 2019 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2019  Kathleen G. Lupole

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