Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Horses Eating Grass On Our Lawn Today!

Mowing the lawn!

One of the best things about living out here in the state forest is that you can basically do what you want without neighbors complaining. We have no neighbors, at least no full time ones. Most of the houses around us are hunting camps. We like it that way!

This past week we have started letting our three horses out in our yard to mow the lawn. They do a very good job. They even trim around my stone bed that I have potatoes planted in and they don't nibble on the plants. It's pretty strange to be sitting in the house working on my laptop and look up and see a horse looking in the window. I think they must have always wondered what we do in the house. My horse, Georgie Girl has always paid a lot of attention to the house. Even where she lived before moving here I would see her looking over the fence at the house. She is extremely smart and is the "boss mare" so I am not surprised if she wonders about such things.

Dark Shadow is highly spirited!

By letting them out in the yard every morning we have been able to cut back on their hay. Now they are not get the morning hay and don't seem to care. They just want that fresh grass. Their paddock doesn't have any due to it having been part of the forest. This year some has started growing for the first time. So it saves us money.

The big savings is that we don't have to buy gas or oil for the lawnmower. Or waste that time mowing when we can be working on the computer. We have never had good luck with a lawnmower. Seems like they always break down. Even when you buy a good one. They rarely last for a few years. So maybe we will never replace them!

Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2024

Friday, July 22, 2005

Selling On eBay

Peaceful Forest Homestead 1999

People seem to be so interested in the fact that I sell on eBay and in fact, have my own store there. I am surprised that not many people I know sell online. Most people I know are buyers. Everybody says that they don't know how to sell there. Yet eBay makes it so easy! I started out by having my girlfriend sell a menu I had from Windows On The World Restaurant (the restaurant at the top of The World Trade Center). I used to go there with my first husband and for some reason I had saved my menu. It was signed by the captain who was there that night. My friend sold it on eBay for ninety dollars - not bad for something I had packed away in a trunk. Now someone who really wanted it has it. I have some cash!

The store fees are not that bad. Especially when you are running a store that has a world wide market. Where else could you open a store in one day? Maybe even have a sale that same day? By using PayPal I can take credit cards or e-checks. Don't have to have a merchant account for that. I love it!

My husband says "it's like a paycheck every day." Well not always. There will be days with no sales and then all of a sudden I will get four or five right together. The stuff I have been selling so far is just things I already have in my house. When that is all gone I plan on going to garage sales, thrift shops, etc. to get more items. You kind of discover what sells as you do it. Sometimes a certain item is hot for a while then it dies down.

Do not buy a book on how to make lots of money on eBay! Just go to the discussion boards on eBay and lurk around for a while. If you have questions that is where to get the answers. I have learned most everything I know from the knowledgeable sellers on the stores boards. I would add too that they are also the nicest people. Some of the boards treat you as if you are an escaped convict!

Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2024

Copyright © 2005  Kathleen G. Lupole

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Hard Times Even On A Homestead

My horses

It's hard for me to write this for you this morning. Things are not good here at Peaceful Forest. I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to keep up with writing this. Stress leads to depression and once you get to the point I feel that I am at it is down hill from there. I have given all I could and I have no more left in me.

So I wonder what happens to a person's pets and other animals when they die? Are they sent to live in the city with somebody who thinks they want them because they loved you? Or your animals were so unique that they want them for that reason? They make a dog who has never been on a leash or chained or had to watch out for crazy traffic live in the city? A dog who lived in a house in the middle of the forest most of her life? She was born in a house that used to be part of a farm and wasn't even on a road. Or does she end up in a shelter waiting for someone to adopt her? Living in a cage with a bunch of other dogs? My dog would just die.

I guess three of my cats could be just left to go wild. They know the woods and could probably survive. I don't know how they would make it through a winter out here though. During the winter, they are used to a warm, cozy house, heated by a big wood stove. My other cat being 16 and suffering from Hydrothyroidism would probably be put to sleep. She is a Siamese cat and is very beautiful and pretty active. Enough so that she goes outside daily but doesn't go too far.

Then it finally comes down to the final three animals we have. Horses. Everybody loves horses. My horses are very beautiful and at first look, everybody would want them. My stepson rides my one of my horses. At first he would probably want her and knowing him, the other two also. He has a very kind heart and especially for those three. As all horse people know horses are not easy. Or cheap. These three are very spirited girls. He would not have any place to keep them. Also he would never be able to afford them. He can barely take care of his own dog. How would he manage with three horses?

I feel very strongly about the fact that I don't want them separated - ever. Especially the two big horses. They are so close to each other. I just would not want to do that to them. They have some emotional baggage from where they came from. They are all three related to each other. I promised them that they would never be separated, and I have to keep that promise. They trust me.

So my guess would be, that if you knew you were not going to live the best thing would be to just go out and shoot all your animals. Cats and all. Then you could bury them too.

Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2024

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Homesteading In The Modern World

Peaceful Forest Homestead 1999

I consider myself a "homesteader", even though I am not at the point where I could say that I am a accomplished "homesteader". It has been my dream since about 1995. We have been accomplishing things little by little. It is an on going process. Finding a house was a big thing. What we had planned was to buy land and build our own home. To live on the land in a camper or something. Instead we found a house that was used as a deer camp since 1923. It is a wood framed house with fairly new vinyl siding. It was built in 1850. So we didn't need to live in a camper after all. It does need a lot of work and we will do that as we can afford it. The first thing that we are trying so hard to do is to finish our barn.

My husband was in an accident at work three years ago and had his right elbow crushed. He worked for the local highway department and they didn't think it was necessary to fix the brakes on their road roller. My husband was new on the job and the guy he replaced had refused to drive it. He took the job because it was close to home and ended up being almost killed. When it happened he thought he would not make it out alive. It was a dramatic ride for him backwards down a big hill at a fast speed on a machine he had no way to stop.

He managed to steer it into a yard where it threw him off. His arm ran into a pipe that stopped the momentum of his body. Good thing it did as the roller went right over him but did not hit him and crushed that pipe. If the pipe hadn't stopped him he would have been under that road roller.

In New York state you cannot sue your employer. Nice law, huh? Protects employers from having to face the music for making employees operate faulty equipment. Now my husband is facing the fact that he may need an artificial elbow which he does not want. He is also suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which sometimes can get pretty bad.

Most of our projects are on hold. I am working on the internet trying to make a living to finish some of the big things. Such as the barn. I am not asking for donations or a free ride. Just for people to purchase items they would normally be purchasing from my website. I have friends that will offer me money but why won't they go to my site? I can never understand it.

Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2024

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Pets Rule Our House!

I told you the other day that my stepson had brought his dog to my house, and we found he was infested with fleas. We had him come pick the dog up because we did not want our animals to get fleas. He was not happy with us. Said his dog did not have fleas and there wasn't a flea in his house. Come on! His cousin who lives with him has a little puppy and they are very susceptible to fleas and worms. He told us when he brought his dog to our house that he had just been treated for fleas.


So I guess my question is if a cat could get fleas from a dog? They say they are different kinds of fleas.  One of my four cats, Patches has fleas now. She has long hair and is a very sensitive cat. She will only eat one brand of dry cat food (Purina) and that is all. No canned food and definitely no people food! Patches is my biggest cat but she is the most shy. Most people that come regularly to our home, have never seen her. Most of the time she hides upstairs. If a car pulls in she growls and runs upstairs. If she is outside when they arrive she stays hidden in the woods until they leave. My best friend has never seen her and she has been here many times.


If our dog, Nikita barks at anything Patches growls and goes upstairs. Luckily Nikita is not a barker. She likes the element of surprise. She is a big black dog and will walk up to anyone during the night and they would not see her until it was too late. If she does bark all our other animals go on alert. The horses come running up to the front fence. One of our horses intimidates also. We are well protected.

My problem with the fleas is that I will not use the chemical repellents. I am very much against chemical use in animals and the home. I am trying to rid my home of chemicals, aluminum and plastic. That is easier said than done. I found a couple of various natural products to use except that cats don't accept anything easily. The best way I found to protect us from fleas and ticks is to keep our lawn mowed and paths as well. I tuck my pant legs into my socks when I go out in the forest. Peppermint essential oil on my hair and clothing helps with the deer flies and other flying insects. I don't think it is good for cats though. 

Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2024

Monday, July 11, 2005

Living In The Present Depression

Loggers working next to our property

I think we are presently living in a depression. It seems like we are living in bad times. Are we? Then again didn't people all through time think they were living in bad times? Many thought it was the end of the world. If it seems that way maybe it is because  the news is always gruesome. Just look around and tell me what you see. Look at how much destruction people have caused just in this country alone. Not only have they destroyed the trees, plants, animals, the birds, the fish, the land, the water, but people too - yes, look at what was done to the ancestors of our own Native Americans. Is that the nature of people? It happens world wide every day.

It seems to me that all people care about is having things fast and easy. They all want everything done now and done in the easiest way possible. That is why our earth is being destroyed. People have to get everywhere the fastest way possible. There are the people who work in factories building the items we purchase. They are made to work as fast as possible. Maybe that is why nothing lasts or is not even working when you purchase it.


I can't get over how proud so many women are of the fact that they do not know how to cook. How could you even say that? My son could cook when he was a child. All you have to be able to do is to read a recipe! I receive a newsletter from a woman who is supposed to be a "affiliate marketing expert" and makes an extraordinary amount of money. She wrote about not knowing how to cook and how she ruined everything she tried. The fact is that if she wasn't so rich she would have had to eat the food that was burnt or not good. She would have and so would have learned as she went along how to improve her cooking skills. Until one day she would be considered a good cook.

My first husband always considered it a status symbol to say that the best thing I could make was reservations. I always resented that remark as I made many good dishes and was improving. Now the man I am married to would rather eat at home any day than to eat in a restaurant. We have found that whatever we order I could always do it better. Which I do. I can't remember the last meal I had in a restaurant. 

Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2024

Sunday, July 10, 2005



Today I discovered the blueberries are ripe! They can use a couple more days to ripen more. But they tasted so good today. This is the first year we've had so many. Our house was surrounded by the forest. And I really mean surrounded! So there were lots of berries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, elderberries, hawthorn berries and of course, the blueberries. Blueberries are by far, my favorite. My grandmother had about 100 acres of land and half of it was blueberries. We spent a lot of time out there picking those berries.


Our berries when we first moved here were hidden by the woods and just didn't get any sunshine. As my husband has cleared our land for our horses and our yard and garden the blueberries and strawberries have been showing up more and more. Of course, they are wild so they are the small ones. They are still good and there is just something, about knowing that food is growing that I didn't have to plant.

Blackberry blossoms

Now the blackberries were never shy about showing their face! I love to eat them as I pick them. I have a love hate relationship with the blackberries. I just have this feeling that the blackberry plants are alive - more than just a plant growing in the ground. Have you ever tried to grab a handful, and reach over some plants to get it? Those other blackberry plants will stick you with their thorns so fast and hard! You will start believing like I do that they are more than just a plant. I have to fix fences and trim around them. So the bushes get me a lot. I admit it I get mad at them and cut them down right then. On the way to take them out they always get you one more time!

Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2005  Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2024

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Buying And Selling On eBay

The weather is cool and rainy here in upstate New York. I guess we are feeling the effects of hurricane Dennis. But I am thankful that we aren't having the actual storm. I grew up in Florida and lived through many hurricanes. So I feel for the people that do have to put up with up with them. And I pray that you will all be safe. And your animals too.

I have mentioned on here many times that I have a eBay store. I love eBay and I have shopped a lot on it and for the most part, I have been happy with what I bought. But there are some buys that were just horrible. One of them was a mountain bike for my husband, a Tank bicycle. It was made in China. I don't know if that is good or bad. I think it don't matter where things were made, it's by who they were made.

My husband rode the bike pretty easy. We live on a dirt road and have some really big hills. And our dog, Nikita goes with him. So he wasn'tjumping things like the kids do or even going very fast. It just kept falling apart. The eBay seller did send us a part that was missing. But it wasn't even ridden a month. It didn't cost very much, about $130., but it is a pretty bike. And for some people, $130. is a big chunk of money.

Now I plan on buying another bike for him and one for myself and wanted two extras for when others are here visiting. But I will not be purchasing them at eBay or anywhere on the internet. Used ones probably would have been better.

One of the other things we purchased on eBay was our laptop computers. Mine is a IBM Thinkpad. I bought it from a "Powerseller" who states in his listing that he only says it will arrive working - after that you are on your own. At first, it seemed good, so I gave him good feedback. He never gave me any feedback, even though I paid him through PayPal immediately.

But right from the start I have had trouble with it. The modem had to be replaced, the Windows program has never been right. My colors don't come in at all, the text is always LARGE and ugly. But for the most part, I love the computer itself. I just think it was worn out. It was used. So I will be buying a new laptop as soon as I can from IBM directly. I want it new and in perfect working order. This one also will just go black when you are in the middle of something important.

My husband purchased a used laptop also on eBay, a Dell. He hated it from the start. He had to completely wipe everything out of it. It gives him a headache constantly and still does. The guy who had it was moving to Japan, and he loved it so much, that he wrote all kinds of things to remember about taking care of a computer. It was and is a piece of junk. But it's what we have for now.

I'm not saying all our purchases from eBay were horrible. But these were the worst ones and the funny thing is that they costed the most money. That is probably why some people will hate eBay and others will love it. If you think buying from a "Powerseller" makes a difference, that is a misconception. Sometimes, you find that the so called "Powerseller" is too busy to give good service. And the new seller is careful to give very good service and sell quality items because they want that positive feedback number to go up so badly!

I got my first and only "negative" feedback from a girl from Canada (don't sell international anymore!) who bought a erotic book that in my description, I told that the book had loose pages that had come out, but were still all there. It was a old book, but it was hot on eBay. I sold it for a very low price and the price was reflective of those facts. She NEVER contacted me and said she was unhappy with it or anything. Just gave me a negative. Of course, she was new and I was her first purchase (lucky me!).

The other bad feedback I received was from "desperate husband" in Arizona. He gave me a neutral. For a record that I played at home and was fine and by the time he got it, it was no good. I knew he was going to be trouble before I even sent that record to him. He wanted it mailed in a box instead of a padded envelope (which is how I always sent records out, and all the way to Italy with no problems). So I had a Priority Mail box and I sent it in that. But I did not know they had a flat rate of $7.70 as I had never used it before. He had "postage due" and boy was he mad! I refunded the money for the extra postage and apologized (sometimes you have to eat crow). But he still left me a nasty neutral feedback instead. Never emailed me to tell me he didn't like the record or anything. He is now blocked from my eBay sales.

So you can see that sellers or buyers can be a problem. People are the real problem. I think that people are not as nice as they used to be. They used to help each other out. eBay shows you a good example of the cut throat society that we live in. I think my problem has always been that I try to be nice to everyone and then I come across someone like the girl from Canada, or "desperate husband" and I have a problem dealing with them.

Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2024

Friday, July 08, 2005

Living At The Good Life Center

I have just received my new issue of Home Power Magazine. There was a story in there about "The Good Life Center" changing over to solar power. The Good Life Center is Scott and Helen Nearing's homestead in Harborside, Maine. Can you imagine people living in your home, years after you have departed this earth, carrying on your homestead for you? Two resident stewards are chosen to live there for the year, by the board who runs it. I think that would be fantastic! Especially if that meant my animals would just stay there and go on like usual. Maybe they would miss me and wonder where I went. But they would be in their own barn and paddock. I love that idea.

Looking at a magazine like Home Power Magazine makes you see what the future will be like. Maybe our families consider us "old fashion" because we moved into a house that had no electric hooked up to it. Because it had a out house and because we use kerosene lamps and a pitcher pump for water. By looking at Home Power Magazine you can see that people do buy homes like that and then gradually make changes to them. That way you are not in debt.

One man in the new issue, built his home in New Mexico out of the rammed earth, which was 475 tires (saved from destroying our earth!) that are packed with dirt and weight about 300 pounds each. His home is really nice and I think most anyone would want that house (if you don't mind the climate). The room looked calm and cool. What our backward families don't realize is that this is the way of the future. People are building houses out of straw bales, cord wood, the earth and tons of other new options daily. Our house is just a regular wood framed house. It is still different because it is off the grid and secluded. Not secluded enough for our taste though.

My husband's family lives on a very busy city street. Cars go by bumper to bumper at the times people are going to work or coming from work. Sometimes you cannot even get out of their driveway without waiting a very long time. Their neighbors are so close on one side that you can see right into their kitchen! And behind their backyard is someone else's yard. The people bicker all the time about this and that. After a afternoon of visiting there I needed the whole next day to recover!

Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2005  Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2024

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Building Our Barn

Today I have a lot of things going on. My husband has been building our barn, little by little as we could afford it. Building supplies are pretty expensive these days. Our three horses have been so patient. But they badly need the barn, as they need to be inside during the cold weather. Thoroughbreds don't do so well out in the windy cold weather we get around here. They do have a three sided building, we call the lean to. They use that. The barn is what they are all waiting for. The barn is completed as far as the sides go, using rough cut wood from the local sawmill. The front is logs. The upstairs floor and framing is up. 

Last night my stepson brought his dog over to let him stay for a couple of days. He said so that he could get some exercise out in the country. After he left, we found out the real reason was because he is infested with fleas. I think he probably thought we wouldn't know as we have animals and they probably have fleas too. Our animals have not had any fleas since we have lived here. We have bare floors and fleas have no where to hide.

Our dog Nikita has very long hair and I just dread to think of her getting infested too. I think that cats don't get dog fleas and I'm hoping I'm not wrong on that. As my Siamese cat Nutmeg is 16 years old and suffers with Hypothyroidism and could be susceptible to them. Why would someone do this to us? Thinking that we would not know that he brought the fleas into our house? His dog is a good dog and I don't blame him. It's not his fault. It's his owner's fault. I think  people think if you have some animals and you live in the country you must naturally have a flea problem too. I think the people that live in cities, towns or even neighborhoods in the country where the homes are close together are the ones with the flea problems. They infest the ground too.

Copyright © 2005 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2005  Kathleen G. Lupole
Updated 2024

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"Know It Alls" Get On My Nerves!

Have you ever noticed how everyone is a expert these days? What ever you are doing, somebody knows more about doing it than you do. Even if it is something that they have never done before. Something that gets to my husband is how people who have never done whatever it is before, will tell him how to do it. And many times, he has done this before and is very good at doing it.

One of his friends stopped by when he was putting insulation in our kitchen walls. We had dry wall standing close by, stacked by another wall. His friend started telling him how you have to spackle it. Goodness! He didn't even have the insulation in, or the dry wall nailed on yet! We did have a brand new container of spackle that we bought for that purpose. The funny thing about this incident is, that this guy has never even done this kind of work himself. And my husband has done houses before, and I even had done spackling myself. But our friend didn't know what we knew, and we certainly didn't ask for his advice. So why did he offer to instruct us? Who knows?

We both listen to people do this all the time. People just like to tell you things even if they are wrong. Sometimes I will argue. I sometimes wonder if it is a test and they are waiting to see if I catch it or not. Other times I am just trying to be polite to someone and not prove they are wrong or stupid. Sometimes it is something that I would think is common sense or common knowledge. Many times, it is our own family members who tell us things that we already know or planned on doing, but haven't gotton to it yet.

I love to go to some forums. But I have found that you have to be careful what you talk about. Don't discuss horses or what to feed dogs. Those are two subjects that have so many "know-it-alls" that I would rather not join in those discussions. So many people, on forums and even in every day life think they know everything about horses. I admit it, I don't know everything and I don't claim to.

But my husband can ride most any horse, even the ones other people are afraid to ride. And he does not use any force. Horses just love him. And most other animals do too. All those so called horse experts can give you all kinds of advice and try to sound like they know everything and still not know a thing. I have a friend who pays a trainer to help her break her horse. My friend does not know alot about horses, and is even a green rider. But her trainer, made her get on the horse for the first time. Must be the trainer was afraid to. But don't you think she would have been the one to get on the horse first?

Once before, the same friend, had a driving horse and was paying another trainer to train the horse to drive and to teach her to drive the horse as well. They were out on a track with the horse and the horse took off, what do you think her trainer did? What all good trainers would do, I guess. She jumped out, leaving my friend in the cart with the horse racing around a race track!

Copyright © 2005  Kathleen G. Lupole

Monday, July 04, 2005

Cutting My Clutter Back!

Happy Fourth Of July! When you work at home, it just never seems like it's a holiday. It's like every day seems the same as any other day. Or maybe I don't appreciate holidays any more. When your children are all grown up and on their own, then holidays don't seem so special. Unless you are one of those people who like to celebrate for any reason. But I don't do that anymore. I liked making holidays special for my son while he was growing up. Now, I don't even see him on a holiday.

I have an extensive collection of music cds. So since I decided to simplify our life and get rid of useless things, I have made a page on my website for used cds and I am going to sell them there. When you get to a certain point in your life you start thinking about what will happen to all your stuff when you die. I have a son who is disabled and lives in a small apartment. He doesn't have the same tastes as I have and probably would not appreciate my collection of music. So my plans right now, are to empty my house of all my extra things. I have a store on eBay and am in the process of selling off other things, such as books, knick knacks, household items, etc.

The other way to simplify that I am in the process of doing, is to replace all aluminum cookware and plastic (such as Rubbermaid, Tuppleware, ect.) with glass. I have come to the conclusion, that neither one is good for you. So I can make room in my pantry by getting rid of them, plus it will make me a little money also. I always loved my Tuppleware bowls. But I had put all the plastic tops in a container that had a top on it. And when I went to get one, all I could smell was that strong plastic smell. That can't be good for you!

For eating meals, I have decided the only dishes worth keeping are the Graniteware plates and bowls. I keep them in the top of my warming oven, so when you are ready to eat a meal, they are already warmed up. And we have way too many glasses, mugs, plates, plastic bowls and containers. It is best to store leftovers in the refrigerator, right in a wide mouth canning jar. They take up very little room and the top fastens securely.

I have no cupboards in my kitchen. I had them taken out. If everything is kept in the pantry on open shelves, you can see what you want to get in an instant. I am not very tall, so I always had the problem of not being able to get things out of the top cupboards without standing a stool. It don't matter how tall you are if you must get something out of a bottom cupboard, way in the back! All that is wasted space. Whatever you keep there, you sometimes you even forget you own it. It's too much trouble to find and get out.

But now it's time to cut all that excess back. There is only two of us living here. And only very rarely does anyone come to eat with us. I never do fancy entertaining. A Thanksgiving or a special Birthday might be it. And then it would only be three more people at the most. Usually, if anyone comes here for a meal, it's a outside meal cooked over a open fire. My plans do include having a outdoor kitchen. But almost all my cooking is done in cast iron pots anyway.

Talk to you tomorrow and hope you have a safe fourth.

Copyright © 2005  Kathleen G. Lupole