Solar array going on the roof! May 2010 |
This is the year my husband and I have devoted to food and fuel. Part of that goal is working on our alternative energy system. Our system is small but works well for us. I wrote about it in the post,
Living With An Alternative Energy System and
Part Two Of Our Alternative Energy System. Many people think the only way to build a system, is by putting up a big amount of money for a big system to run their whole house. The way it has always been run. That would be nice. I would have liked that myself. But it was never an option for us.
Our first 55 watt solar panel! | | | | | |
In 1999 when we started here, we used one 55 watt solar panel, two fork-lift truck batteries, an automotive inverter and a very small charge controller that would fit in the palm of your hand. Very simple. Very basic.
We used kerosene lamps for lights at that time. Our little 12 volt tv that had a VCR player in it was our only electrical output. No computers. No tools. We would be watching a long movie and have to run out and start the vehicle, to charge the battery because we were losing power! Whew! We've come a long way baby!
Three solar panels - all different brands! |
Then we purchased a new panel from eBay, then another, until we had three. We lived with them for awhile. We bought a generator that is made for charging DC only. It uses less gas and works like a charm. After all, it was built for an off-the-grid system. Added two more batteries. You get the idea. One thing at a time, as our system grew. That way it wasn't a large amount of money and was well within our budget.
Xantrex C60 Charge Controller |
We added a new charge controller in 2004. It is the type that can be used for our system as it is enlarged. The charge controller controls the amount of power coming into your batteries. You don't want to overcharge them. We added a meter and some other components over more time. It is ongoing, adding here and there. More affordable that way too. Not to mention that as you grow your system, you will be learning about it.........slowly, over time. It won't hit you all of a sudden with a big system and not know how it works. You learn while it grows.
As you build your system you can add more electrical appliances and gadgets. Build it smart and you will be pleased with it. Don't do like so many others do and cave in to giving up and hooking up to the grid. It gives you independence and a feeling of satisfaction to be providing your own electric. Kind of like the way a garden gives you that feeling, because you are providing your own food. Understand what I mean?
I will be posting more on our system weekly. So check back soon! It is growing and I will have much to share here.
Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
Kat, another fascinating post! I cannot relate it to my life -- because as you know I live in the city and never have to think about or deal with the things that you have to deal with everyday. Nevertheless, I found this post and the lifestyle you have chosen to live fascinating!
One thought keeps running through my mind -- and I know that it is a hypothetical question: It's obvious that you love the life you are living -- but if you were a single woman living alone, could you live and sustain a lifestyle like the one you are living now by yourself? It seems to me that it would be very difficult to do if you were one person alone.
Wow! kat ~ I impressed ~ what % of population are doing what you are trying to do ~ makes so much sense ~ ^_^
Carol, There is large modern homestead movement which includes survivalist and preparers or "preppers." It is a good thing because these are the people who will be able to help the population in case of a disaster.
Joan, are you aware that there is a huge urban homesteading movement? It is very big and these homesteads are are right in the heart of LA and NYC. These people are not letting living in the city hold them back at all. So living in the city doesn't matter anymore. It is up to each person what kind of life they choose. And no, I could never see you living it anyway. LOL
As for could I do this alone? If my system was all set up and finished, then yes. If it wasn't, I could live the very basic life without solar but would not have the unlimited computer time. I'd have to go with wireless and the laptop batteries I guess. The other stuff wouldn't matter so much. I am pretty much used to that and could go back if I had to.
I am very interested in the solar panels. Had no idea you could purchase them off of ebay. Thanks for the tips!
A really intersting movement - I'll check back to see how you're doing, not sure I'd ever be brave enough to try it myself...
Way to go, Katlupe!
REally interesting Kat. I'm looking forward to reading the next installment!
I'll be following with keen interest as our story is similar.
Wishing you lots of luck, wonderful.
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