Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I Choose Low Carbs For Good Health!

My son, Jeff!
Recently my son has had some swelling in his legs. Now he is not overweight, but is a smoker and has horrible eating habits. I am going to do my best to get him on a low carb diet, since I know first hand how good it makes you feel. It definitely improves your health the fastest. Before he would laugh at me about it, and say everyone has to die some way. Now he is NOT laughing! Now he is nervous, scared and even has agreed to go to his doctor for a much needed physical. Which is something as he is VERY scared of doctors! I am not talking about a child here, but a grown man in his early forties!

I have come to rely on my low carb way of eating for optimum health. Once you get started on it I found, that I was not hungry at all. I only eat twice a day, breakfast and supper. Eating eggs in some way for breakfast, maybe with bacon or a One Minute Muffin. Supper is always meat and salad. Sometimes I add or substitute for the salad, a low carb vegetable. If I need something sweet, I like to make my own version of an egg cream with Da Vinci Sugar Free Syrup, cream and seltzer. Strawberry or peach, being my all time favorite!

Salad with dressing, mushrooms and burger is an easy low carb meal!

Remembering to always eat everything in moderation, even foods that are good for you. I believe your body gets tired of the same old food over and over. It becomes boring if you are eating meat and salad every day. Just because it is easy and you want to stay on your low carb plan. Do it differently every time. One day have the meat in a salad, such as turkey, tuna, salmon or chicken salad. Serve it on top of a tossed salad. Next day if you still have the turkey salad left, serve it on a low carb cracker or bread, or inside a green pepper or tomato. Make it interesting!

Pouring eggs into pan for yummy omelet!

Eggs are a good example of a food everyone gets tired of real fast. Omelets are good as you can put whatever you want in them. Egg salad for breakfast is a nice change. I like hard boiled eggs with horseradish. Or how about scrambled eggs with mushrooms and onions? Bacon and eggs is my very favorite, but I don't eat it every day. I try to change what I eat, so it is never the same thing every day. I am on a very tight budget, so I am very careful what kind of foods I buy.

This is the basic recipe for the 1-Minute Muffin, but check out the link for more variations:

1-Minute Muffin

In a tea cup or custard dish (I use)

Melt 1 or 2 tsp of butter or coconut oil (microwave for 5-10 seconds*)
Mix in 1/4 cup of flaxseed meal (and/or mix with almond meal, protein powder)
1/4 tsp of baking powder
1 egg

Sweetener to taste (i.e., 1-2 packets of Splenda or 1 TBS of SF syrup)
Microwave on high for 1 minute*
Turn out and let cool

The muffin may look kind of wet at first, but it dries quickly as it cools.
Eat warm with butter or wrap cooled muffin in plastic to eat later.

*cooking time may vary depending on your microwave, avoid overcooking I cook my muffin on top of my wood stove in a cast iron Dutch oven or in my gas oven on about 325 degrees.

Happy Low Carbing!

Copyright © 2012 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2012  Kathleen G. Lupole

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