Venture out of your home! |
It is inevitable that as you age there will be times you wish you were younger. No matter where you are, whatever your circumstance, you wish for what you don't have or what you used to have. Good health, more money, better job, new car, big house, good children or a faithful, loyal spouse. The list can go on and on. It is good to a point to want a better life. We always think of things that could change what we have presently. Many times we have settled for what we had years ago when we were much younger. Maybe that hope of a change was somewhere in the back of our minds for years. Yet here you are at retirement age and no change in sight. No hope of change even lingers as a possibility now. As you watch your friends plan their trips to exciting new places you feel regret and sadness. Since you know that is not happening for you. Not now, not ever. Your daily life is all you have and it depresses you.

No matter what you did when you were younger to create the life you have presently, this is not the time to dwell on it. It is a done deal. Nothing will change it now. Instead get to work on finding the life that is within your reach today. Maybe you just need to get out more often and make new friends. Does it have to be friends in your age group? No, you can make friends based on your interests that includes people of all ages. If you are intimidated about walking into a group of people under your age, don't be. Hold your head high and remember you probably have valuable experience to share with these youngsters.
Library right across the street from my home! |
Make a list of local events or groups that meet nearby that you can attend and pick one to start with. Your library or museums in your area are a vast source of information to expand your lifeline. Doing new things, meeting new people, going to new places or events can rev up your daily life to another level. Oh, you don't want to go because you use a walker or a mobility chair? Most places now are disabled friendly but you can call ahead to find out for sure. Want to learn new things? Take classes at your local college or high schools. I don't know if night classes are still a thing but I remember many times taking a ceramics class in my younger years. There were always a mix of young and old at these classes. Just search for a niche that catches your eye.
Learn to use a computer! |
Please tell me that you know how to use a computer! Don't be one of those people who proudly declare, "I don't know anything about a computer!" I know a few of those people and some of them are always at my door wanting me to search something online for them. Or make a purchase on Amazon for them. There are literally millions of online classes, videos and forums for any subject you are interested in. If you do not know how to use a computer, now is the time to learn. Your local library is a good place to start. Call and find out if they have or know of a class for computer beginner users. They may have one that is specially targeted for retirement age people.
Take that step out of your comfort zone! |
What it all comes down to is that no matter what age you are now, learning and participating in new things is good for you. Good for your well being but especially for your brain. If you have not been learning new things in a long time don't worry about that. It is like riding a bicycle. Once you know how to do it, you can always do it. You might be rusty at first but it doesn't take long to catch on. Seeing new places, new people and learning new things is so good for you. It gives you something to look forward to and expands your life beyond your four walls. Try it one new class or event at a time!
Copyright © 2023 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2023 Kathleen G. Lupole