Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Spring Is FINALLY at Peaceful Forest!

A raised bed I built a number of years ago.

Spring has finally shown her face in New York! I was beginning to think it would never truly arrive. Please Mr. Weatherman, do not contact me to say that more cold weather and snow is on the way. I took a couple of walks in the last few days, and the day before yesterday I was able to sit in my garden and soak in the sunshine. I felt it pulsing through my body as I sat in the quiet. I had not been outside much at all for months now. Oh, it felt so good to me! As our winter went through March, I was hoping for April to start warming up, but no, it did not. Still using the wood stove through the whole month. Last night is the first night I think, of no fire in the stove. Though it is a little chilly in the early morning hours now.

Snow still behind my house.

We had a lot of snow, as usual. I don't expect not to get snow. Though some people seem to be surprised when it snows......hey this is NY, we always get snow! Snow is left along the sides of the road and behind my house and barn due to shading. It is melting though and sun and rain will take it away very soon. Seems like our temperatures have finally warmed up a lot. I am hopeful it will stay that way now. Everyone kept posting on Facebook the snow they kept having, way after the beginning of spring. It was sad, after the winter, we were looking forward to spring and it didn't come. Now it should be here. Yesterday was beautiful and I think better weather is finally on the way.

Lilies in the backyard!

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go to our local city, Binghamton (NY) and it was a beautiful day to go. I had a doctor's appointment but just getting out and about, did wonders for my state of mind. I had such a good day that I was sad when I was on my way home. I came home and then it was back to the every day chores that I have gotten to dread. Making changes in this routine very soon though.

The Jurassic Bed

I have been trying to get up early to write when it is quiet in my house. But not always quiet. I am making a practice of writing this blog daily or close to it. I have neglected it and decided this is the one to work on. I am changing my lifestyle and want to leave the homesteading, off-the grid life behind. So this will evolve to whatever I choose to do. My thoughts and feelings on my life as I age. I hope it is interesting to my readers and I understand if you move on. After all I originally was publishing this blog as Homesteading on the Internet. Now I am not even sure I will keep that one going at all. Unless it is just a canning and cooking one. But life goes on.

Nutmeg's Garden

I have not been normally a depressed person in my lifetime. Circumstances caused me to become depressed and I was getting used to it. Soon I was having friends on Facebook asking me if I was okay. No, I was not. That caused me to think and take stock of my situation and how I can change it. I made a list of all the steps to take to make those changes. I am proud to say that my changes are slowly taking place. Everything takes patience and time, but if you implement those changes in your life, you will see improvements. Soon you will be moving on. As I am doing now.

New life appearing in the dirt!

Copyright © 2018 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2018 Kathleen G. Lupole

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