Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Fall Is Here! Enjoying it!

 I love fall! I look forward to it every year eagerly. Most people who live in cold climates appreciate summer. Since I don't have a garden anymore to work in during the summer I stayed inside in the air conditioning. I was rarely outside this year unless it was to go to the dumpster. The hot weather just gets to me. I was out in the parks only a handful of times this year. When I did go outside I walked within a short distance of my building. Sometimes just going along the block in front of the building. I was afraid I would get too far away and get overcome by the heat. 

Grand Union parking lot.....I made it!

Surprisingly I walked one day from my building to the Grand Union to get food for Rabbit. It was a cooler morning and I went early. I am always at my best in the earlier part of the day. I walked all the way there and back. It was the farthest I have ever walked since living here. So proud of myself for doing that! Except that the next day and ever since walking has been extremely difficult for me. Needing the walker even in my apartment. My feet have swelled up and stayed that way since. Yesterday was the first day I didn't turn my air conditioner on at all. It felt good with my window open and a slight breeze coming in. I like cool days with the sun shining. It is a gray morning and could mean rain. Gray or rain, I don't care as long as it is cooler. I mean in the sixties or lower, but I doubt it will be that cool yet. I am looking for temperatures in the fifties. Shhhh! Don't tell my friends! They don't want that kind of weather. 

I gave these canners a work out over the years!

This time of year is our harvest time in upstate New York. Past years I would be a canning fool. Working nonstop from early morning till I was the last one up late at night. Two canners going constantly. I always canned everything because I didn't have a freezer and we needed the food. I did not want to waste even one vegetable so I never threw away or gave any away. Even then though I was not adding sugar to fruit, pickles or anything else. Once I learned the dangers of sugar I was able to eliminate it easily. Now foods with sugar do not taste good to me. I enjoyed those years of gardening and canning but am glad I am not doing it anymore. It was a lot of work and I want life to be easier.

My freezer is just big enough for ice, ice cream, popsicles & meat

Now I don't have to stock up on much food. It is just me and my bunny here. I do not eat much in the way of vegetables. No fruit at all because it is all sugar. I have a regular refrigerator with a freezer and don't really need any more room than that. I still like to cook. I will make a casserole or some other dish and have plenty of leftovers. Freeze the leftovers for another time. That way I don't get sick of it. For some reason I have gotten tired of chicken and am just finishing up what I have in my freezer. Not going to buy it for awhile or until I get the urge for it again. Beef, fatty fish and some pork is all I need. Oh yeah, dairy products too! 

Meat, dairy & produce

People wonder how I can afford so much beef? Since I do not buy any vegetables or fruit except what I have to buy for Rabbit that cuts those expenses off my budget. Then the same with all grains, sugars, processed boxed or frozen foods. No snack foods or expensive breakfast foods like cereals or baked goods. No ingredients needed to make those foods. I have had people say to me "I could not give up whatever it is." The difference is, I could when it meant I will be able to improve the quality of my life. Once I stopped eating the vegetables and fruit I noticed a big difference in how I felt. No more bloating or constipation issues. I am still working on my health issues. Especially the Lymphedema which makes me miserable. I could probably live with bad knees if I could at least walk better. 

Fall on my street!

I will never be the type of person to just give up or settle. I am not going to say I have Lymphedema and osteoarthritis and I will live with it. Nope, not for me. I will always strive to improve my health probably until the day I die. I have never been a follower. Just because a medical "so called expert" says this or that does not mean I will do it their way. I do my research and from sources I can trust. We have been fed so much propaganda in our lives that it is hard to believe anyone else no matter what credentials they have behind their name. Right now I am still working on my dental issues which have taken over five years. I imagine that will be a big change for me when it is done with. I am very much aware of the fact that food is our medicine and that is where you have to start on your health journey. I did. 

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole

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