Monday, September 02, 2024

My Own Ketovore Lifestyle


Over the years, too many to be exact, I have started and restarted my ketogenic lifestyle. Now I know I was addicted to carbs. Mainly ice cream and the bagged popcorn. I have written about that on this blog before. Many times. Once I was living here in my apartment I had the means to buy as much as I wanted whenever I wanted. Finally I had enough. It was not worth it to never make any progress on my health journey. I knew I badly needed to or I would regret it. In the past, I saw my mother and my mother-in-law suffer horribly. I had to overcome my need for these foods. You would think reading the ingredient labels on the ice cream would be enough. It wasn't. I would spend a day of eating only ice cream and popcorn and nothing else. 

Ice Cream is my downfall!

Sometimes I would see that I wasn't making any progress or that I had gained weight instead of losing it. So I would say, "what the heck? I may as well eat what I want." Finally, Dr. Berry got through to me. I watched all his videos over and over. Did I think the keto food plan would heal my bad knees? Or my Lymphedema? No, I didn't think that at all. I wanted to lose pounds and inches. Somewhere along the way this year, I leaned more toward "ketovore". Mainly being meat, dairy, seasonings and some low carb condiments. I had to overcome the ice cream addiction first. I did so using Keto Chow, a keto meal replacement shake. I made it into ice cream and had it every day as my 2nd meal of the day. Right after I cleaned my bunny's cage. 

Keto Chow Replacement Meal as raspberry cheesecake Ice cream!

I am doing intermittent fasting by eating only between the hours of 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM again. I had stopped doing it awhile ago but have gone back to it. I do not like to eat early in the morning. Three meals but the middle one is Keto Chow ice cream. So it is healthy and keto and good for me. It was strange for me to be told that I was not eating enough food! How could that be? I increased my two eggs in the morning to four. And yes, I could eat four! I was always a small eater until I started eating more ice cream when I lived without a freezer. We had to finish the whole container or it wouldn't last. Though the foods I filled up on back then were mostly high carbs. 

Restaurants and stores are within walking distance

Moving here six years ago I could walk to the restaurants if I wanted to. I would get Chinese take out often. As much as I loved it, I knew I had to stop indulging in it. May 31st of this year is the last time I had it. About three months ago. Since then I have eliminated all fruit and most vegetables. Even most dairy right now with the exception of butter and cream. If you do not see results then you have to tweak your food intake. It helps that when I did eat those foods I would feel horrible afterwards. I don't want to feel like that anymore. 

Cooking burgers

So after all the years of trying to stay on the keto food plan I am finally seeing some changes. Small ones but changes are happening. That is what keeps me motivated to stick with it no matter what. Everyone wants instant results and that is what keeps them from eating low carbs. Then they are on several prescriptions and going to the doctors more often. Giving up foods I loved for my health is worth it. Nothing will take the memory of my mother-in-law suffering from diabetes and kidney failure from me. She ate all those foods, the breads, the desserts, starchy vegetables, high carbs. Where did they lead her? To a life of misery and pain. To losing both of her legs, having a pacemaker, giving herself shots of insulin daily, etc. In the end, kidney dialysis which actually is what took her life. She got a disease from the dialysis which resulted in her flesh rotting away. It was heartbreaking. She stopped the dialysis herself and died in three days. No, I will never forget her or what she went through. It is what keeps me on the ketovore lifestyle. 

Copyright © 2024 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2024  Kathleen G. Lupole

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