Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Land Line Or Cell Phone?

 Our land line runs under the road here.

We are going through so many changes here. Not all geared on the power system, though that will figure in there soon too. What I am working on presently is changing our email addresses over to our internet server. We have had this server over a year, but kept the dial-up through our phone company. Now we are changing over so we can shut that down.
After we complete the change over of our email addresses. Then the next part of this quotation is changing our telephone numbers with important business and family and friend contacts. My husband will be buying his own cell phone this week. Then we can both have our own. Then we will shut off our telephone service through the land line.

It is funny when I think back when we moved here in 1999, there was no telephone service to our house at all. The telephone wire had to be run under the road to be brought to our house. We had two lines put in and had two telephone lines. Then we eventually had two computer dial-up connections. We begged and begged our telephone company,  Frontier to install DSL in our area. Well, they did. In the area around us, but not to us. They said they put us on a waiting list. Well, we are still waiting.

Now with my Tracfone, my telephone bill is only $10.79 a month. So I figure I will stick with that. It works for me as I am not a phone person anyway. I am a computer person, in case you didn't already know that. LOL

Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole

1 comment:

Bookncoffee said...

Sounds like a plan. We still have our phone line here but I'm not sure how much longer we will have it. Hubby G and I both have our own phones. Only we usually have them put up. So we don't hear them at night. All in a matter of what you get used to. We could actually make it work if we tried. Just having a teenager still, and aging parents, it kinda scares me to switch.