First Two Robins!
I know this is supposed to be "wordless Wednesday" but I cannot contain myself and just post a picture. My robins have returned home. Yesterday, March 15th............on the exact same day they arrived last year! How outrageous is that? How do they know? We heard them yesterday morning. My husband came in to tell me he thought he heard their familiar chirping. I went outside with my camera and sure enough! High in the tree in our backyard two of them sat, resting in the sun. I sure loved seeing that big red breast high above me! What a mood upper that sight was! Last night just before dark, they were in the cherry tree behind my kitchen window and I could hear them chirping away. This morning they were back again. Hmmmm, the sounds of spring are in the air!
Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole
I just love robins. They remind me of my grandmother. That and chickadees. We used to watch them all the time in her backyard.
We don't get too many where I'm at..mostly magpies and crows.
Hooray for heartwarming robins! It'll be a while before they make it to our neck of the woods, but I'm so glad you're getting a little dose of spring these days!
I always look forward to seeing my first robin too! My birthday is March 9 and I know that without fail that sometime in the week following my birthday I will see a robin . . somewhere around March 15 or 16 like you said. It makes me feel like all is right with the world.
Robins or Rotkehlchen in German, are wonderful troubadours of love and seasons. I am so happy that they have Spring in their bags...
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